csuite questions

Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 19:03:52 -0500 (EST)
From: Michael Smith <michael@csuite.ns.ca>
To: csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca
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Return-Path: <csuite-tech-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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On Fri, 2 Feb 2001, Kenneth Applegate wrote:

> 1) How long does it take for a user account REALLY to be deleted. After
> the administrator deletes an account, it is made inaccessible to the user
> within an hour. The account name then appears in a "pending" list which I
> would expect csuite cron jobs to act upon within a reasonable amount of
> time [a day? a week?].

The delete-users script isn't run from cron, although it can be if you so
desire. To run it by hand, su to root and call $CS_ROOT/lib/delete-users.

At CCN we run the script monthly (from csuite-cron), but we have it only
delete accounts which were marked for deletion over eight months ago. The
code for this is present in the CSuite 1.1 delete-users script, but
commented out:

# Delete all users marked for deletion.

# Only delete users marked for deletion over eight months ago.
#dfiles=$(ftimes deletions.* |
#gawk -F: -v staleaccounts=$(getdate 8 months ago) '
#$2 < staleaccounts { print $1 }')
#[ -f deletions.redo ] && dfiles="$dfiles deletions.redo"

> 2) I have created IPs, and the web directories appear within an hour, and
> the IP editor account can install files to those directories. However, I
> am not sure how long it takes for links to web pages of new IPs to appear
> under the "Information Providers" link from the main Csuite web page.

If the IP's homepage file exists, it should appear in ips.html when
csuite-cron runs at the top of the hour.

> 3) IP web directories have files that seem to be owned by the principle IP
> editor and belong to a group with the IP number - 1001 for ip-1001, etc,
> if I do a ls -l command from root. However, grepping /etc/group for 1001
> doesn't turn up any real group with 1001 for a name or a gid.

It should - the IP groups are real Unix groups, and the members are the
IP's editors.

> In Csuite, there are apparently no actual IP accounts, just regular
> user accounts promoted to IP Editor status for the IP web area. Is
> that a correct interpretation?

Yes, that sounds right.

> 4) From the Csuite documentation, I thought that IPs should be able to
> install a set of "tagged" files all in one batch to their web area.
> However, when I tag files, then bring up full menus, I get a different,
> abbreviated menu that gives me options to move, delete, or download the
> tagged files, but not to install them.  [On the other hand, installing a
> whole selected directory of files works beautifully].

So the Install command appears when you highlight a single file or
directory and press F for a menu, but not when you have multiple files
tagged? This sounds like a bug. What happens if you tag multiple files and
just press I (for Install) instead of F?

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