Upgrading... CSuite 1.1

From: jnemeth@victoria.tc.ca (John Nemeth)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 22:03:59 -0700
To: csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca, "David L. Potter" <potter@chebucto.ns.ca>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <csuite-tech-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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On Jun 2,  6:15pm, Jeff  Warnica wrote:
} > As a result our mailer, httpd, ftpd, etc are installed under CS_ROOT...
} > UNLESS this 'guiding principal' is overturned, all CSuite files will
} > still go under CS_ROOT
} Name an OS that dosent come with these things installed, or couldnt easily
} be installed. Why are we reinventing the wheel?

     Most OS's do not come with an httpd installed by default, although
some do have it as an option.  We use a heavily customised ftpd, so
using the OS version of this is not going to work.  We also use a
heavily customised mailer, but it looks like we may be going away from
the customisations.

     To see what it would take to use a pre-existing version of a major
item, I'm going to use httpd as an example.  In order to use the
following question would need to be answered:

- is there an httpd?
  - which one is it?
  - what version is it?
  - does it have the capabilities that we need?
- where are the configuration files?
  - how do we modify them to meet our needs without messing them up?

Although, it would be possible to solve all these problems, it wouldn't
be simple.  And, if we mess up, we're in deep doo-doo.  Given that we
would have to be able to fallback to providing an httpd (remember that
CSuite is a self-contained turn-key package), we might as well just use
it and save all the hassle.  Similar questions can be asked for every
other package supplied with CSuite (although some are so heavily
modified that it would be a moot point).

}-- End of excerpt from Jeff  Warnica

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