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Index of Subjects On Sat, Dec 05, 1998 at 01:43:15PM -0400, Jamie Fifield wrote: > I've seen some mention that this latest abomination excludes "Public > Domain Software"; which would probably include CSuite. However, that > exclusion would probably be too intelligent a move by politicians, so I'm > not getting my hopes up. > > I'm getting pretty sick of this whole regulated and restricted > information. Fsck Canada, I'll move somewhere else without such stupid > policies. > Hi Jamie, Then you better be prepared to move to somewhere in the third world. Most of the first world nations are joining in this one. At first, I thought it meant a trade block, so that countries within the block could trade in encryption but not to countries outside of it. This is just another example of politicians trying to fix a problem by hitting it with the biggest hammer they can find. Excluded in this is measure are things like music and video technologies to prevent copying. I hope you enjoyed your freedom in the past, it is a lost commodity in the future. Sean
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