default person web page code in csuite

Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 13:48:43 -0400 (AST)
From: Edward Dyer <>
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Le Jeu, 11 Déc 1997, Victoria Telecommunity Network écrivait :

> Below is the html that apparently comes with csuite. At least this is how
> it shows up on our new installation here at Freenet and also shows up on
> the Pentium version which we also have on one of our machines here.
> There seems to me to be some errors in it and some omissions,
> <html>
> <head>
> <link rev="made" href="">
> </head>
> <title>Profile of Eric J. Henwood-Greer</title>
> <h1>Eric J. Henwood-Greer</h1>
> <dl>
> <dt>Email<dd><a
> href=""></a>
> </dl>
> <p>
> 1- the 'title' tags should be included inside the 'head' tags

I agree, and some browsers are probably not very tolerant of that.

> 2- there are no 'body' tags and there should be

Although not required by the earlier versions of the HTML standard,
they probably should be present.
> 3- there is no closing 'html' tag and there should be - even though it may
> not be absolutely required right now it probably will be one day and it's
> just good coding to include it.

Again, depends on the version of HTML you are programming to, and in
our scripts, it's mostly pretty basic. But you are right, it is good
style to include it.

> 4- I don't understand the <link rev=......> which is within the 'head'
> tags. What, if anything does it do and why is it within the 'head' tags?

Actually it does belong in the header, and has been in the standard
since early days.  What it does for Lynx is set a response address
for the Comment hotkey - an implicit mailto: for the page.  I'm not
sure what other browsers do with it - the major graphical ones do

We also use the link rev code in all IP pages, coded to the IP's
private editors mailing list, for the same reason (via the Install).
On CCN (I haven't looked at a recent distributed system for this)
the link line is placed ahead of the <html> and <head> lines, where
it should NOT be.

> In any case it seems to me that, if this stuff is in the distribution
> version of csuite then it should be changed since tens of thousnads of
> people will be getting poor examples of html coding.

Agreed.  Not only that, but if the user applies Weblint to the page,
it will generate errors :)

>           Telnet:     Web URL:
>            We now have charitable status and can issue tax receipts

Hey David(s): look at that     ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^

Ed Dyer   (902) H 826-7496  CCN  Assistant Postmaster    W 426-4894  CSuite Technical Workshop
Religion Page Editor, Chebucto Community Network


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