landon: HIGH: bookmark file

Date: Sun, 22 Jun 1997 12:15:02 -0300
From: James Fifield <>
Precedence: bulk

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On Sun, 22 Jun 1997, Edward Dyer wrote:

> Lots of users use the bookmark naming capability, so they will not be
> happy with this loss of function.  That would include keeping a bookmark
> file in say public_html/public_bookmarks.html.

It's not our favorite choice as a fix, but until we have time to do it 
properly... :D*  They'll have to live for now. :D*

> What does your patch do to multi-bookmarks?

Nothing, when you select the multi-bookmark function, you do not seem to be
prompted for a name.  (I'm not sure on this score, but that's what it 
seems like.)
> Why not just make sure the path is below ~ , and is a legitimate bookmark
> file (whatever that means - perhaps contains some header, is an ".html" 
> file but not a dot file, and is compatible with Pine's add/delete bookmark
> routine, for an existing file...) 

I think that's eventually what's going to be done.  My main concern right 
now is to disable the ability to write to dot files.


|James Fifield			| "I may not agree with what you say,	|
|Dalhousie University		| but i will defend to the death     	|
|Co-op BSc. CS, Adv. Major	| your right to say it."		|
|		|		- Voltaire		|
CSuite Technical Staff

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