REPORT : landon little bug (HIGH)

From: James Fifield <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 11:26:27 -0300
Precedence: bulk

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This is from a while ago:

> On Fri, 9 May 1997, Daniel Dupuis wrote:
> >=20
> >  URL :
> >=20
> > It asks you to type in the user name, but there is no place to put =
> You actually get a "SELECT" list of logins that have had money =
> You just get to pick one.  It looks like there was nothing in the
> "money" file.  It's still a "bug" - a display bug, that is - =
> It should tell you there is no money transactions to reverse.
> >=20
> > Example :
> >=20
> >          =20
> >    Select Login ID to reverse:                            =20
> >    ]                                                               =20
> >                       =20
> >    Reason for reversal: ________________________________________
> >      =
_________________________________________________________________        =
> > =20
> >    Reverse the Money Log Record or      =20
> >    Restart                                                           =
> >      =
> >                           =20
> >    [1]CSuite Administration               =20
> Gerard MacNeil, P. Eng.

However, I believe I have recorded 2 cheques and 1 cash donation, yet I =
do not get a select list.  I have waited an hour, (so that any cron jobs =
may have some affect on this will have run).

Here's what I think has been entered in the database:
aa001 - $10.00 cheque
aa002 - $15.00 cash
aa003 - $20.00 cheque

I've looked at the code for what get's placed in this select list, and I =
make out a thing: :D*=0D

        <SELECT NAME=3D"datestamp">
        [ ! -f $CS_PRIVATE/log/bank/audit ] && touch =
        [ ! -f $CS_PRIVATE/log/bank/money ] && touch =
        gawk -F'|' -v notfound=3D$"Cannot find original for reversed =
entry" '
        NF > 3  && $1 !=3D "cash" { n[$2 " " $3 " " $4] =3D $5 }
        NF > 3 && $1 =3D=3D "x" {
                if (($2 " " $3 " " $4) in n)
                        delete n[$2 " " $3 " " $4]
                        print notfound, $2, $3, $4 "<p>"
        # do not present already  audited items
        NF =3D=3D 3 && ($1 " " $2 " " $3) in n { delete n[$1 " " $2 " " =
$3] }
        END {
                for (i in n)
                        print  "<OPTION VALUE=3D" n[i] ">" i
        ' $CS_PRIVATE/log/bank/money $CS_PRIVATE/log/bank/audit | sort =
-t">" +1
        echo $"</SELECT><p>
Anyone have any suggestions?

James Fifield
<>       =20

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