URGENT: I need latest English build.html! (from cvs)

Date: Fri, 9 May 1997 13:54:52 -0300
From: James Fifield <fifield@csuite.chebucto.ns.ca>
To: trc@mail.auracom.com
cc: csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk

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<h1>Chebucto Suite Install</h1>

Getting Started: The Basic's

Welcome to Chebucto Suite Install; by this point, you have installed and run Lynx, 
(which you are currently using to view this document).  All that is needed is some basic information about your site and CSuite will be 
ready to begin compilation.

If you haven't used Lynx before, press &lt;Enter&gt for some basic instructions
 on how to navigate with Lynx.

<p>Please read the CSuite README before continuing.

Step One: System Characterization

The install program will try to discover as much as possible about your system automatically.
If we can't find any of the needed files that are not supplied as part of CSuite,
we'll let you know!
System Characterization

<a name="conf">Step Two: Site Configuration</a>

You need to supply some information about your site and make a few choices.
In most cases you can come back and change your mind later or
hand edit a configuration file -- we'll try to provide some guidance as we go.
Site Configuration

<a name="unpack">Step Three: Software Unpacking</a>

This step will decompress the packages included in the CSuite distribution
and prepare them for installation. Highlighting this link and pressing
&lt;Enter&gt will begin the unpacking process.

<dt><a href="lynxcgi:@@@CS_ROOT@@@/lynxcgi-bin/make-cgi?unpack">unpack all
needed packages</a>

<a name="unpack">Step Four: Software Compilation</a>

This next step will begin the process that creates programs and installs
them from the unpacked files. When you highlight this link and press
&lt;Enter&gt this activity will begin.

<dt><a href="lynxcgi:@@@CS_ROOT@@@/lynxcgi-bin/make-cgi?install-csuite">
build and install CSuite programs</a>

<a name="install-csuite">Step Five (optional): French Documents</a>

Most of Chebucto Suite has been translated to French.  Follow this step
to install all of these translated CSuite documents.
<dt><a href="lynxcgi:@@@CS_ROOT@@@/lynxcgi-bin/make-cgi?install-fr">
Install french documents</a>
There is now a French guest account named "visiteur" (only if you chose
to install the French documents by following the previous link). In
order for guest users to view your French documents login as visiteur
is necessary. As with the guest account we recommend that you
set the visiteur password
<a name="install-fr">Step Six: System Preparation</a>

This step is not yet fully automated.  We will give you a few steps via executable links and the remainder via instructions.  We will no doubt forget a few
things, so <emph>please</emph> let us know about them.

<li>Edit the following files:
<dd>Make sure that local information is accurate.  Note that values set closer to the end of the file will override those at the beginning.  This step is usually not necessary, but you may want to take a look just to make sure.
<dd>This should contain your mailing address, in straight text, indented from the left margin.
<dd>It is hopelessly local, incorporating
knowledge of system aliases and obsolete names
<dd>Put your local currency first.
<dd>Change to reflect your local policies.
<dd>Each line consists of the number of dialin modem lines and a datestamp (use getdate).  You should add a line every time you add modems.
<dd>A list of hosts that should be monitored to check if the network is healthy -- start at the closest to home and work away from there.
@@@CS_ROOT@@@/tq/timetable and
<dd>These files determine login time quotas and their enforcement.  See
@@@CS_ROOT@@@/tq/README for some help on how to edit these files.
<dd>Edit to reflect your local community. 
<li>The @@@CS_ADMIN@@@ user will be used to perform maintenance of your CSuite system.  This account was created, if it didn't already exist, in step four and was given special priviledges.  You will need to <a href="lynxexec:passwd @@@CS_ADMIN@@@">set th
e @@@CS_ADMIN@@@ password</a> and the password for WWW access.
<li>A guest account was created during step 4 if it didn't already exist.  You should check your
/etc/passwd to make sure that the entry looks something like this (fields 3 and 4 will vary):
guest:x:102:100:@@@FULL_NAME@@@ Guest:@@@CS_ROOT@@@/home/guest:@@@CS_ROOT@@@/bin/shell
You will also have to set the guest password.  We recommend using a non-null guest password until you are confident with your system configuration.
<li>Start the http server.  The command is:
	@@@CS_ROOT@@@/etc/httpd/httpd -d @@@CS_ROOT@@@/etc/httpd


<li>Start the mail system.  CSuite includes a modified version of ZMailer, which features extended support for the Majordomo mailing list manager (also included).  If you have a mail transport agent (MTA) already running, you should kill it first.  How yo

u do this will depend on what MTA you are using.
<p>In some cases, you will need to edit your /etc/inetd.conf and remove a line with "smtp" as the first field.  Some MTA's run as daemons in the background.  In this case, you will have 

to kill these processes and make sure that they are not started upon system startup.
<p>Once any existing MTA is disabled, you can start Zmailer by running @@@CS_ROOT@@@/etc/mail/bin/zmailer.

<p>Add the following entry to /etc/services for the mail transport queue:
mailq		174/tcp		# mail transport queue

<p>You should also make sure that the /var/spool/mail directory has the appropriate permissions.  For mailbox locking to work properly, you should set the permissions as follows:
chmod 1777 /var/spool/mail

<li>Start the login idle timer.  The command is:

<p>The previous three steps should be performed whenever you start up
your computer.  The script @@@CS_ROOT@@@/etc/rc.csuite will do this, but you
must make sure to install it to the right location.  The right location will
vary depending on the operating system you are using.  Here is how you might
install the csuite initialization script on a few popular operating systems:

<li>Red Hat Linux:
# cp @@@CS_ROOT@@@/etc/rc.csuite /etc/rc.d/init.d/csuite
# ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/csuite /etc/rc.d/rc<b>X</b>.d/S20csuite
# ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/csuite /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K20csuite
# ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/csuite /etc/rc.d/rc6.d/K20csuite

<li>Debian GNU/Linux, Solaris:

# cp @@@CS_ROOT@@@/etc/rc.csuite /etc/init.d/csuite
# ln -s /etc/init.d/csuite /etc/rc<b>X</b>.d/S20csuite
# ln -s /etc/init.d/csuite /etc/rc0.d/K20csuite
# ln -s /etc/init.d/csuite /etc/rc6.d/K20csuite

<p>Where "<b>X</b>" is a runlevel (probably betweeen 1 and 5) for which
CSuite should be started.  If you're not sure which runlevel to use, you
can find out your default runlevel by looking at the file /etc/inittab.
There should be a line something like

<p>Where "<b>X</b>" is the default runlevel.
<li>Allow ftp connections.  This usually involves adding a line to the
/etc/inetd.conf file that looks something like this:
ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd @@@CS_ROOT@@@/etc/ftpd/ftpd -l -a -u0133

<li>On some systems, it will be necessary to use the pidentd utility provided in CSuite.  If you think you need pidentd, make sure your /etc/inetd.conf has a line like this:
ident stream tcp nowait nobody @@@CS_ROOT@@@/etc/in.identd in.identd

<li>Make sure that logging is enabled.  In particular, lynx logging will need a
line in /etc/syslog.conf like this:
local5.debug			@@@CS_ROOT@@@/log/lynx

<li>Some CSuite functions use the logger command to report errors.  You should add lines to your /etc/syslog.conf to handle these.
local5.err;local5.crit		root,@@@CS_ADMIN@@@

<li>Configure cron to run period tasks automatically.  This can be done by adding the following line to your root crontab file, usually /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root.  On most systems, the crontabs should be edited using the <a href="lynxprog:crontab -e">
crontab -e</a> command.
0 * * * * @@@CS_ROOT@@@/cronbin/csuite-cron


Step Seven: Testing

<p>We are developing a test suite which will allow you to automatically test the integrity of your CSuite system.  For now, our best advice is to try
every feature you can find and keep asking questions and reporting results on the csuite-dev list.

Step Eight: Attract Users and develop Local Content
This step will continue throughout the life of your community  
network.  To help you in this process, we have prepared this 
We wish you the best of luck! And remind you to stay in touch.

<!Planned Improvements>



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