csuite: acctstatus french

Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 11:20:10 -0300
From: James Fifield <fifield@ug.cs.dal.ca>
To: CSuite Tech Reports <csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca>
Precedence: bulk

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CS_ROOT=3D/var/test/csuite LANG=3Dfr

Some of the output from acctstatus is french, some is english.  This is a=
tricky one, because 'acctstatus' calls 'ismember' calls 'fee'.
Here's some observations that may be useful:

Here's some code from 'acctstatus' that may be incorrect:

        [ ! -f $CS_PENDING/$cgi_LOGIN ] &&
        echo $"<a href=3D\"$CGI_PREFIX/cgi-bin/useracctdisplay?LOGIN=3D$cgi=
        Current Account Record</a><br>"

        echo $"<dl><dt>The following memberships are available:"

        fee -f html

        echo "</dl>"

echo "$dues"

The membership type I think can be translated on line 40 of=20
$CS_ROOT/lib/fee, but I also think there's more to it than just=20
translating the words.

I don't know where the "or what you can afford" comes from.

-------- OUTPUT ----------
                               Non membre aa006             =20

   Jamie Fifield, selon nos dossiers, le renouvellement de votre compte
   est d=FB le 1998-04-28.

   [1]Current Account Record                                         =20

   The following memberships are available:                     =20

          20,00 $ or what you can afford

   Family                                                       =20
          40,00 $ or what you can afford                                =20

   Supporting Family      =20
          100,00 $

   Supporting                                                      =20
          50,00 $                                                     =20

   Unwaged                        =20
          12,00 $ or what you can afford

   Youth (under 18)                                                   =20
          12,00 $ or what you can afford                             =20

   [2]Page d'information sur l'adh=E9sion

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