landon: controlled commands

Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 12:41:33 -0300
From: David Trueman <>
To: CSuite Testing Reports <>
Precedence: bulk

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Shadow passwords were mixed up, confusing sudo.  We are looking into this
further.  This would account also for your observation that the password
was nt working in another context.

On Thu, 17 Apr 1997, David J. Murdoch wrote:

> CS_ROOT /home/csuite;  CS_DIST /home/tmp/csdist
> for user csuite, each privilege command requires three responses to a 
> Password: prompt.
> even after updating sudo above still applies
> In List a User Account
> Executing command:
> ls -laR /home/csuite/home/ph/joseph/
> lists nothing
> although
> # ls -laR ~joseph gives
> total 66
> drwxr-x---   4 joseph   http         1024 Apr 17 08:49 ./
> drwxr-sr-x   3 root     cs_users     1024 Apr 17 08:03 ../
> -rw-r--r--   1 joseph   cs_users        0 Apr 17 08:11 .csuiterc
> -rw-r--r--   1 joseph   cs_users        0 Apr 17 08:51 .exit
> -rw-r--r--   1 joseph   cs_users      188 Apr 17 08:42 .installdirs.html
> -rw-r--r--   1 joseph   cs_users    16153 Apr 17 08:51 .pine-debug1
> -rw-r--r--   1 joseph   cs_users    26175 Apr 17 08:44 .pine-debug2
> --
> 	David Murdoch

  David Trueman,
    Systems Manager, Dalhousie Math, Stats and Computing Science
    Technical Chair, Chebucto Community Net

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