landon: install

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 22:38:57 -0300
From: David Trueman <>
To: CSuite Testing Reports <>
Precedence: bulk

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There were some problems with the majordomo and zmailer install, nut I
hope I ahve corrected both on landon and on the dist.

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, David J. Murdoch wrote:

> CS_ROOT /home/csuite;  CS_DIST /home/tmp/csdist
> (NOTE: This is same distribution fixed up today, Monday 14th)
> During install had to remove CS_ROOT/info/.cgi-funclib (perhaps this
> has been fixed in distribution)
> Had to chmod u+x /home/csuite/lib/free-ids to eliminate Permission denied
> and make: *** [users] Error 126 (see CS_ROOT/build/make.install-csuite.8420)
> >From CS_ROOT/build/make.install-csuite.12260
> creating lib/inews/Makefile
> sed: can't read ./lib/inews/ No such file or directory
> Good news -
> Using ZMailer parametrization file path: /home/csuite/etc/zmailer.conf
> In build.html lynxprog:/home/csuite/bin/update spills output to the
> screen (previously reported) but seems to function without problems.
> Link [30]/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root gives Alert!: Unable to access 
> document 
> Inconsistencies in editor may confuse some. Pico for some editing and vi
> for crontab -e
> --
> 	David Murdoch

  David Trueman,
    Systems Manager, Dalhousie Math, Stats and Computing Science
    Technical Chair, Chebucto Community Net

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