landon: .lynxrc for guest

Date: Wed, 30 Apr 1997 12:29:49 -0300
From: "David J. Murdoch" <>
To: CSuite Testing Reports <>
Precedence: bulk

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On Wed, 30 Apr 1997, David J. Murdoch wrote:

> CS_ROOT /home/csuite;  CS_DIST /home/tmp/csdist LANG=en
> from ~guest/.shell-errors
> ++ grep '^preferred_language=' /home/csuite/home/guest/.lynxrc
> grep: /home/csuite/home/guest/.lynxrc: No such file or directory
> --
> 	David Murdoch
In (S)ettings menu change  Preferred document language: from en to fr
then TAB down to  [Save Settings] and hit <Enter> and get
Alert!: Unable to save Options!
However, after exit back to document
8 LCN Login Account Registration
^R renders appropriate document as if settings 
had been changed. 
The resulting screen has all French except for Lynx command line and below
Commands: Use arrow keys to move, '?' for help, 'q' to quit, '<-' to go back.   
Arrow keys: Up and Down to move. Right to follow a link; Left to go back.
O)ther cmds  H)elp  K)eymap  G)oto  P)rint  M)ain screen  o)ptions  Q)uit

With Preferred document language: en all is in English
	David Murdoch

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