landon: ML create

Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 04:09:15 -0300
From: "David J. Murdoch" <>
To: CSuite Testing Reports <>
Precedence: bulk

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CS_ROOT /home/csuite;  CS_DIST /home/tmp/csdist LANG=en

for user csuite create ML succeeds but a number (273) appears at lower 
left corner of screen during display of acknowledgement message
                                                    Mailing List Creation

                         Mailing List Creation Results

   The mailing list listaaa (aaa list aaa) has been created.

Commands: Use arrow keys to move, '?' for help, 'q' to quit, '<-' to go back.
273rrow keys: Up and Down to move. Right to follow a link; Left to go back.
  O)ther cmds  H)elp  K)eymap  G)oto  P)rint  M)ain screen  o)ptions  Q)uit

   Linkname: Mailing List Creation
        URL: lynxcgi:/home/csuite/lynxcgi-bin/mdml-create
    Charset: iso-8859-1 (assumed)
   Post Data:

	David Murdoch

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