RFC 821 (SMTP) incompatible bounces

Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 21:29:46 -0400
From: Edward Dyer <aa146@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: Jasper van Beusekom <jvbeusek@beus.demon.nl>
cc: postmaster@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk

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Greetings, list-owner,

I concur with your sentiments 100%  ;-)
Our messages are a lot better than they used to be, but there is still 
room for improvement, both in the conciseness and in the processing. 

Thanks for the note.

CSuite-Tech, could we put this on the list for improvements?

Ed Dyer
Assistant Postmaster <postmaster@chebucto.ns.ca>
Chebucto Community Network

On Fri, 14 Mar 1997, Jasper van Beusekom wrote:

> Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 21:11:00 -0400
> From: Jasper van Beusekom <jvbeusek@beus.demon.nl>
> To: postmaster@chebucto.ns.ca
> Subject: RFC 821 (SMTP) incompatible bounces
> Dear Postmaster,
> I wanted to report that your system is producing bounces that are 
> not RFC 821/822 compatible (and thus illegal on the internet).
> Bounces should go to the Return-Path: instead to the From: field.
> msg continued beneath the snip...
> >>>snip>>>
> Received: from chebucto.ns.ca by maelstrom.stjohns.edu (LSMTP for
> OpenVMS v1.1a) with SMTP id <10.77235D45@maelstrom.stjohns.edu>; Wed,
> 12 Mar 1997 7:50:06 -1300 Received: by chebucto.ns.ca id
> <85749(3)>;Wed, 12 Mar 1997 08:51:33 -0400 To:	Stolen Youth-- a
> support list for young people <S-YOUTH@MAELSTROM. STJOHNS.EDU>
> From:	The Post Office <postmaster@chebucto.ns.ca> Sender:
> mailer-daemon@chebucto.ns.ca Subject: Delivery problems with your mail
> Message-Id: <97Mar12.085133ast.85749(3)@chebucto.ns.ca> Date:	Wed, 12
> Mar 1997 08:51:32 -0400
> The following message has been generated automatically by a computer.
> Unfortunately the automated postoffice has been unable to deliver your
> message.
> Please check the destination address carefully for typos -- one wrong
> letter is all it takes -- this is the most common reason for returned
> mail.
> A technical description of the problems encountered is included in
> this message.
> It is hoped that this will assist you in isolating the problem, but if
> you cannot, you can request help from a human by replying to this
> message, including the first part which describes the errors and the
> top part of your message that includes the addresses from your
> original message.  You can delete the content of the original message
> and should do so if it is at all private.  Without a copy of this
> error report, it will be very difficult to provide any assistance!
> <local - ac415 32767>: expired after 1 hour, problem was: message
> write to "/var/spool/mail/ac415" failed: Disc quota exceeded
> ----------  Original Message  ----------
> <<<snip<<<
> This could result in major problems for your system, when a user has 
> his mailbox full...starts bouncing to a mailinglist...which starts 
> distributing this error to its subscribers...one of which the user 
> with the full mailbox is...that bounces again...and so on, and so on.
> I'm happy that the lsoft-listserv has an implimentation to prevent 
> the dumb mailers as the one you use from reaching our subscribers, 
> but there are a lot other system (auto-reply and other mailinglist 
> software) that won't prevent this circle from going on and on and on 
> distributing msgs that are slightly different each time.
> I hope you take approprate actions to prevent this from happening 
> again. And while your are changing that part, you'd better also 
> have a look at the layout of the error message, so that it fits the 
> standards as written in the RFCs. That would save out a lot of all 
> the listserv-listowners time. 
> Looking forward to your answer...
> Jasper van Beusekom
> --__________________________________________________________--
> Jasper van Beusekom             http://www.beus.demon.nl/
> Lifeguard soc. Katwijk          http://www.hol.nl/~krb
> Helpdesk Freenet Leiden         http://www.dsl.nl/support
> Co-owner s-youth and rsdhope at listserv@maelstrom.stjohns.edu
> Owner r-brigade              at listserv@clyde.hol.nl
> --__________________________________________________________--

+ Ed Dyer 

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