wwhcn: CSuite Administrator implementation

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 16:55:19 -0400
From: System Administrator <root@wwhcn.cnet.windsor.ns.ca>
To: CSuite Testing Reports <csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca>
cc: Larry Brinton <brinton@glinx.com>
Precedence: bulk

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I sent owut mail previously, and it went out as 'root'
'root' also owns /var/csuite/home/csuite (permissions: drwx------)

The password files showed:
root:x:0:0:System Administrator,,,:/root:/bin/bash
csuite:*::102:CSuite Administrator:/var/csuite/home/csuite:/var/csuite/bin/shell 

After logging in (many times as root), I got confused over passwords and 
decided to use the Csuite password routine to modify 'csuite' to be the 
same as 'root'.

I did so and problems:
'root' logins are no longer being accepted.
'csuite' logins are no longer being accepted.

I login as 'macneil', 'su', it accepts the password, gives me command 
line prompt

su csuite, it accepts the password and gives me lynx.

While composing and rechecking, I just noticed - no UID for 'csuite'

**** Fixing and checking .... ****

Nope.  csuite now has a UID, and 'csuite'  logins appear normal.

'root' logins for root are still being refused.

CSuite Install did not put a UID in for CSuite Administrator
/etc/shadow is somehow involved.

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