CSuite Remote Services

Date: Sun, 9 Mar 1997 22:56:07 -0400
From: David Trueman <david@cs.dal.ca>
To: csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk

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Thanks for the feddback.  Comments below.

On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, David John Murdoch wrote:

> On Sun, 9 Mar 1997, David Trueman wrote:
> >
> > Please check out http://chebucto.ns.ca/cgi-bin/remote-submit
> > and from there the link to /CSuite/Remote-Services.html
> Did.
> The passwords can be anything provided they are matching strings.

This is intentional for a new site -- you are choosing the site password.
If you come back to update the info. you should be required to use the
same password.

> Some of the links in Remote-Services.html are not functioning for me.
> Specifically,
> [5]search all information needs a closing </a>
> [7]statistics on WWW gives
> 404 File Not Found
> The requested URL /urlstats was not found on this server

Should be OK now.

> [3]Information Providers and Interest Groups
> led here and link [2] does not work but leaves you on link [1]

I think it is working.  [2] is a pointer to the same document so the
behaviour is correct.

>                                         CSuite Development System IP List
>                        CSuite IP and Interest Group List
>    [1]List Information Providers in Other Places
>    ?
>           [2]IP and Interest Group List
> > Your feedback will lead to an announcement on csuite-dev
> applied for site landon but the default on the first line was
> Email contact: root@ts18-03.hfx.istar.ca

Bizarre.  It is using REMOTE_IDENT@REMOTE_HOST as the default

> Submitting a completed form gave no problems; there is not indiction that
> acceptance was a success.

I thouhg that saying that those values were recorded was an indication of

Any suggestions on changed wording to clarify several poinst above?

>                                        CSuite Remote Services Enrollment
>    Recorded the following values for landon:
>    host = landon
>    name = Testing landon Community Net
>    email = djm@chebucto.ns.ca
>    locality = Halifax
>    province = Nova Scotia
>    country = Canada
>    who = /cgi-bin/who
>    people = /cgi-bin/search-user
>    search = /cgi-bin/search-form
>    recent = /cgi-bin/recent
>    urlstats = /cgi-bin/urlstats
>    ips = /ips.html
> > I have added a link to "Other CSuite Remote Services" on each remote
> > site listing and now pass on PATH_INFO so, for example, an Environmental
> > site could have a link /csuite-remote/Environment?service=recent
> > for environmental pages that have changed recently in other communities.
> >
> >   David Trueman,
> >     Systems Manager, Dalhousie Math, Stats and Computing Science
> >     Technical Chair, Chebucto Community Net
> --
>  David Murdoch      djm@duncan.alt.ns.ca      Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
>    	      <"http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~djm">DJM</a>

  David Trueman,
    Systems Manager, Dalhousie Math, Stats and Computing Science
    Technical Chair, Chebucto Community Net

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