translation progress

Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 16:19:53 -0400
From: David Trueman <>
To: CCN Technical Committee <>
cc: Robert Cormier <>
Precedence: bulk

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I have all the scripts in lynxcgi-bin ready for translation except the
mkmdml- ones.  I am not sure which ones are in active use.  Can David P.
or someone else comment.

I have the environment set up on csuite.cheb... to run bilingual scripts.
James has done most of cgi-bin, I believe, so I would like to get these
installed on csuite ASAP and tested in their English versions.

I have modified sh2po in csuite:~david to insert a comment before each
msgid identifying which file they came from.

I am currently wrestling with what apppears to be a bug in gettext/msgfmt
whereby it is failing to recognize some strings.

The only change to existing scripts other than the use of $"...." strings
is that the #! /bin/sh at the top gets changed to #! @@@NEW_BASH@@@
The other necessary changes were made in lib/cs-shlib (linked to

The changes read in variables from csuite/lib/vars.$LANG after the regular
vars file and from local/vars.$LANG after teh local/vars file.

I think that I reportedd previously that mksub now reads @@@VAR@@@
substitutions from .defs.sed in the destination directory if that file

  David Trueman,
    Systems Manager, Dalhousie Math, Stats and Computing Science
    Technical Chair, Chebucto Community Net

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