ip-list, uid-list

Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 14:38:43 -0400
From: James Fifield <fifield@ug.cs.dal.ca>
To: csuite-tech@chebucto.ns.ca
cc: Landon Boyd <landon@chebucto.ns.ca>
Precedence: bulk

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On Thu, 5 Dec 1996, Landon Boyd wrote:

> $CS_ROOT/ip-list currently starts at 001 so when new IPs are created, the
> GID of their groups start at 001.  Since this would conflict with already
> existing groups on most systems, should we change this list to start at
> 1001?

Sounds like a good idea, unless it looks like the site running the dist. is 
going to have over 9000 ip's. :D*

> $CS_ROOT/uid-list currently starts at 1000.  Would it be reasonable to add
> an extra digit to this list as well, ie. start at 11001?  With Debian, the
> first user added with adduser gets the UID of 1000, so most Debian systems
> would already have users with that UID.
> Landon

Could we modify the debian we distribute with the dist. to start at 10000 
instead?  That would create some problems and solve some others i think...


James Fifield

"Those who are willing to give up some liberty for some 
security lose both and deserve neither."  - Ben Franklin

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