No germinal

From: "Joyce SWillis" <>
To: <>, <>,
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 03:08:36 +0300
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<p align="center"><b><font face="Arial Unicode MS"><font color="#FF0000">
Here's your chance, the next soda giant </font><br>
<font color="#006600">Fire Mountain Bev Company</font><font color="#00CC00"><br>
</font>SYm-FB VG<br>
Cannot go wrong at 2 cents<br>
<font color="#FF0000">Short or long, this one cant go wrong, look at HANS and FIZ</font><br>
Add this to your radar, Dont miss this one like HANS and FIZ<br>Don't get left out again
The airplane, which also carried flight instructor Tyler Stanger, struck the building<br>
counts of arson and 10 counts of use of an incendiary device. The charges <br>
counts of arson and 10 counts of use of an incendiary device. The charges <br>
 in an update on the crash. Lidle and Stanger were making an aerial tour of Manhattan<br>
to the middle of the river, leaving a smaller margin for error, the staff report said.<br></font></b></p>

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