This Sector Is Hot # 932

From: "Lincoln maris" <>
Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 21:48:04 -0500
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<body bgcolor=3D"#003366">

<p align=3D"center">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;=
<font color=3D"#FFFF00" size=3D"5"><b>STOCKS ARE DOWN ACROSS THE BOARD</b>=
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <font size=3D"3" color=3D=
"#FFFFFF">Where can the sophisticated investor go for returns that beat the=
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size=3D"5"> <font color=3D=
"#FFFF00"><b>THE BIOTECH SECTOR IS STILL HOT!</b></font></font><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <font size=3D"5" color=3D"#FFFF00"><b>Consider this=2E=2E=
<p align=3D"left">&nbsp;</p>
<p align=3D"left"><font size=3D"3" color=3D"#FFFFFF">January 2 =96 CBS Mar=
ketWatch - "Analyst Mark Augustine at USB Piper Jaffray believes 2002<br>
           will be a strong year for the biotechnology sector due to impro=
ving industry fundamentals and a<br>
           favorable market and economic environment=2E He also feels merg=
er speculation could hit<br>
           development-stage companies=2E"<br>
           December 24 - Washington Post - "As investors look for new plac=
es to park their money, biotech<br>
           firms are grabbing a larger share of a shrinking pool of ventur=
e capital=2E=2E=2E What we=92re seeing is a<br>
           greater interest in the life sciences sector than any other sec=
           Recent progress by genetic researchers worldwide, including the=
 well-known Human<br>
           Genome Project's effort to map the human genome, has grabbed th=
e world's attention<br>
           with its vast possibilities and made it a very attractive field=
 for speculative investors=2E</font></p>
<p align=3D"center"><b><font size=3D"5" color=3D"#FFFF00">Many experts agr=
ee that the future of medicine is in<br>
                                       genomic research=2E=2E=2E=2E&nbsp;<=
<p align=3D"left"><font size=3D"3" color=3D"#FFFFFF">Millions of people di=
e each year from disease and thousands more die from negative<br>
           responses to drugs=2E The science of genomics promises to impro=
ve lives by (1)<br>
           identifying the genes that cause disease so doctors can attack =
a disease before<br>
           symptoms ever become visible, and (2) determining which drugs s=
hould be prescribed<br>
           to a person based on their unique genetic make-up=2E&nbsp;</fon=
  <li style=3D"color: #FFFFFF">
    <p align=3D"left"><font size=3D"3" color=3D"#FFFFFF">The entire pharma=
ceutical industry has developed drugs against only about 500<br>
                genes=2E If 200 common diseases are each caused by 50 diff=
erent genes, there<br>
                may be 10,000 disease genes out there, so the vast majorit=
y of the disease<br>
                genes will not have existing drugs to combat them=2E&nbsp;=
<p align=3D"center"><font size=3D"5" color=3D"#FFFF00">Would you be intere=
sted in jump-starting your&nbsp;<br>
                       portfolio with an aggressive Biotech investment?&nb=
<ul style=3D"color: #FFFFFF">
    <p align=3D"left">Led by a Harvard-trained Ph=2ED=2E, a new developmen=
t-stage company is taking<br>
                advantage of the recent advances in genomics and informati=
on technology to<br>
                solve as many common diseases as possible within the next =
five years by<br>
                identifying as many of the genes as possible which contrib=
ute to a specific<br>
    <p align=3D"left">The Company's goal is nothing short of a medical rev=
olution: they aim to<br>
                change the way medicine is practiced=2E Instead of waiting=
 for symptoms to&nbsp;<br>
    develop, they intend to diagnose disease before any signs are visible<=
    <p align=3D"left">They already own three potentially blockbuster clini=
cal provisional patents that<br>
                are ready for immediate licensing=2E&nbsp;<br>
    <p align=3D"left">It is estimated by Daniel Cohen of Genset that a sin=
gle disease gene is worth<br>
                from 40 to 80 million dollars=2E  This new company expects=
 to find hundreds of<br>
    <p align=3D"left">                It is estimated by Daniel Cohen of G=
enset that a single disease gene is worth<br>
                from 40 to 80 million dollars=2E  This new company expects=
 to find hundreds of<br>
    <p align=3D"left">The company just received an infusion of $2M in vent=
ure capital and began<br>
                trading less than two months ago=2E  This is truly a groun=
d floor opportunity=2E=2E<br>
    <p align=3D"left">The company's stated goal is to be bought out for a =
minimum of $100M or get<br>
                listed on the NASDAQ Small Cap or NASDAQ National Market S=
                Exchange=2E Either of these outcomes should be a boon to t=
he Company's<br>
<p align=3D"center"><font size=3D"5" color=3D"#FFFF00"><b>Want to find out=
<p align=3D"center"><font size=3D"5" color=3D"#FFFF00"><b>Please enter you=
r email
address in the box below and hit the submit&nbsp; to request a free report=
 on this exciting opportunity=2E</b></font></p>
<form name=3D"form"
  action=3D"mailto:ksddk@verizonmail=2Ecom?SUBJECT=3DFree Report"
  <p align=3D"center">
  <p align=3D"center"><input type=3D"text" name=3D"EMAIL_ADDRESS" size=3D"=
  <p align=3D"center"><input type=3D"submit" value=3D"Submit" name=3D"B1">=
<input type=3D"reset" value=3D"Reset" name=3D"B2"></p>
<p align=3D"center">&nbsp;</p>
<p align=3D"left"><font color=3D"#FFFFFF" size=3D"1"><b>Disclaimer:</b></f=
ont> <font size=3D"2" color=3D"#FFFFFF"> The contents of this mailing are p=
rovided for informational purposes only=2E Information in this mailing has =
been obtained from publicly available sources deemed
to be reliable, but the Sender  makes no guarantee as to the accuracy or c=
ompleteness of this data=2E Under no circumstances does the information in =
this mailing  represent a
recommendation to buy or sell securities of any kind=2E Information is pro=
vided for informational purposes only, and Sender shall not be liable for a=
ny errors or omissions, or
for any actions taken in reliance thereon=2E  Sender was compensated 400,0=
00 shares of stock in the above company by a third party to provide corpora=
te exposure services,
including the distribution of this mailing=2E </font></p>
<p align=3D"center">&nbsp;<b><font size=3D"4" color=3D"#FF0000">List
 Removal/OPT-OUT Option</font></b>
 href=3D"mailto:hbkmkp@netscape=2Enet?subject=3Dremove"><font size=3D"3" c=



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