Receiving attached files

Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 22:24:12 -0300
From: Bob Sandler <>
To: Marcel Boudreau <>
ReSent-Date: Thu, 15 May 1997 00:42:05 -0300
ReSent-From: Tony Cianfaglione <>
ReSent-Message-ID: <>
Precedence: bulk

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Salut Marcel. Merci beaucoup d'avoir trouve le temps de me depanner. 
Avant de fouiller le PDA pour le bon decodeur, je devrais souligner que 
j'ai un PC 286, j'utilise WordPerfect 5.0 et 5.1, et je n'ai pas de souris. 
Est-ce que mon ordinateur est assez puissant pour certains logiciels 
decodeurs? Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'un souris?

Bob Sandler

On Wed, 14 May 1997, Marcel Boudreau wrote:

> Bob:
> It sounds like you've successfully downloaded your attached files to your 
> home computer. Now you have to convert the file from its encoded 
> (bin-hex) format to its natural (WordPerfect??) format.
> You don't need a program called Bin-Hex. Download StuffIt Expander either 
> from PDA or directly from the Alladin site (referred to on the Mac PDA). 
> StuffIt Expander will handle the decoding with a drag and drop. If you 
> download and install DropStuff with EE, again from Alladin, you will find 
> that StuffIt Expander will handle just about any imaginable internet 
> encoding and compression format. Dont' forget to pay the registration fee 
> for DropStuff with EE. StufIt Expander is free.
> If you are using a PC and not a Mac, you'll have to find a bin-hex 
> compatible PC program. There should be one on the PDA. If you can't find 
> one and need one, let us know.
> I hope that helps.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Marcel Boudreau, CD, P.Eng.
> Home Page:
> Macintosh Software Public Download Area (PDA) Manager
> Chebucto Community Net, Halifax, Nova Scotia                         O-
> On Wed, 14 May 1997, Tony Cianfaglione wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Bob,
> > 
> >    Are you downloading the files to your home computer first?  You won't 
> > be able to decode anything while they're on CCN.  
> > 
> >    I'm sendsing a copy of this letter to Rob Currie and Marcel Boudreau, 
> > our CCN Mac gurus for their assistance as I'm not too familiar with 
> > BinHex 4.0.  You may need a Mac to decode this.
> > 
> > Tony Cianfaglione
> > Team Leader - CCN Userhelp
> > 
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > 
> > On Wed, 14 May 1997, Bob Sandler wrote:
> > 
> > > In your answer to my question, you told me how to send files, I think, but 
> > > my question was about receiving them, and specifically, if the PDA has 
> > > BinHex 4.O, and if not, how I can obtain it. I mentioned my search 
> > > through the PDA in my last message. I know how to move attachments I've 
> > > received from my home directory to my WordPerfect directory, but once 
> > > they're there, my screen reads "This file must be converted with BinHex 4.O." 
> > > 
> > > You asked me which software I'm using. My communications software is 
> > > Telix, and I don't have any decoding software.
> > > 
> > > Thanks again.
> > > 
> > > Bob Sandler

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