CSuite 2.0

Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 14:59:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ian White <iwhite@victoria.tc.ca>
To: csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <csuite-dev-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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Some thoughts/questions on CSuite 2.0..

Are the survey results available on the net somewhere? Be interesting to
see what everybody thinks of them.. 

I'd like to see most of CSuite rewritten from scratch. There are portions
which definately need to be redone:
Other parts are mostly okay from 1.1, but may need some work/additions..:
        - PHP
        - cgiwrap
        - counters/forms/etc for users/ips
Some we may want to replace:

The problem with replacements of course are existing sites who are used to
the way it is now, and not wanting to change, etc.
Also a lot of the custom stuff should be checked for compatabilty.. things
like directly playing with /etc/passwd and /etc/group, etc. And they need
to be made sure they work with VCNs and that they support doing everything
graphically (as opposed to needing to use Lynx)..

And then theres issues around graphical stuff.. things like some sort of
standard for kicking off PPP users (again.. compatability.. need to
implement something that works for PM3s, portslaves, etc.).. perhaps
include a standard radius server.

I think CSuite 2 should have its own seperate CVS tree if a lot of it is
going to get reworked...

I realize that 1.1 isn't quite out the door yet, but...

Just trying to cause troub.. I mean.. start discussions..


Ian White
BC Community Networks Association (BCCNA)
email: iwhite@victoria.tc.ca

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