CSuite Workshop Notes 1998 01 27

Date: Wed, 4 Feb 1998 13:31:11 -0400 (AST)
From: Edward Dyer <aa146@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: CSuite Development List <csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca>
Return-Path: <csuite-dev-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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   CSuite - Community Networking System
                CSuite Development Workshop - January 27, 1998
   January 20, 1997-Previous Next-February 3, 1997 Return to Workshop

     * Login Report
     * CCN Account Deletion
     * Code Optimization for CSuite
     * CCN Upgrade
     * csuite Backups
Login Report

   David Potter agreed to do a new version of the login report.
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CCN Account Deletion

   CCN Accounts previously marked for deletion have been processed.
   The script will be installed as a weekly cron job. An additional
   feature to provide for immediate deletions, e.g. for disciplinary
   purposes, was proposed.
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Code Optimization for CSuite

   First rule for optimization is:
          Only optimize where it counts!
   This means only when an object runs hundreds or thousands of times a
   day, on a recurrent basis.
     * Process creation is expensive
     * Shell built-ins are cheap
          + echo
          + set
          + case
          + cd
          + read
          + [ ... ]
     * Especially avoid process creation in a loop
     * Avoid repeated process creation
   Do list processing using awk/gawk, join, etc. gawk's I/O is
   faster than straightforward  C  code.
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CCN Upgrade

     * made dist.
     * missing files.
     * fails to make lynx Solaris
   Apache 1.3 is a new version, also php has a new version. Each will
   compile OK but not together :(
   Autoconf isn't setting up properly for Pine or Lqtext on Solaris, so
   need to generate
     * export pine={lnx|sol}
     * export lqtext={linux|sol}
   Alternative software: consider licensing, efficiency, portability
     * Search engine: e.g. Excite
     * Wilma
     * Listproc lite
     * French majordomo
     * French resources: http://w3.cidif.org/
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csuite Backups

   The csuite system is now being backed up on nightly tapes, rather than
   the previous Jaz disk system. This allows more files to be processed.
   /root, /usr, /var are included.
   To avoid problems with new Chebucto Suite and Linux installations, all
   PERMANENT files should be removed from the CS_ROOT tree to a safe
   On Solaris:
   /root, and /usr
          are vendor supplied, so it is best not to place any local files
   /local -> /opt
          all these are accepted local trees
          CSuite files
          These will need to be generalized a bit: under /csuite/vcn/
          {info, user, etc, private } mostly on a per VCN basis, but etc
          will be populated with symlinks to the host CN's files, to
          provide the option of creating local versions as necessary.
          Some of the private DB files are global, so special provision
          needs to be made, e.g. /csuite/system/uid-list. DP will go
          through the system and make a list, then review it with DT.
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   CSuite Workshop Mailing List   csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca  List Archive
           Editorial comments to   aa146@chebucto.ns.ca  Ed Dyer
         Workshop Coordinator   djm@chebucto.ns.ca  David J Murdoch
              January 20, 1997-Previous Next-February 3, 1997
                      Return to CSuite Workshop Index 
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