training materials

Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 20:00:50 -0400 (AST)
From: Douglas Rigby <>
To: John Nemeth <>
Return-Path: <>

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Hi John
Many thanks for your inquiry. As you may know we are in the final stages
leading to the release on CD of Csuite 1.0 and realize that new sites
will need a range of support and training from technical, IP related to
general administration. We are trying to visulize how these can be
developed and marketed. I would appreciate your input on what 
kinds of support and training you think new sites will need and at what 
would they be willing/able to pay for these. 
Regards, Doug Rigby 

> On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, John Nemeth wrote:
> >      As the result of some discussions about training new IP's and new
> > site administrators, I did some poking around on CCN, and noticed that
> > the training material there is much more extensive then what is shipped
> > with CSuite.  I was wondering if any of this material is available to
> > CSuite licensee's?  I'm also interested in training materials for
> > administrators which I didn't find in the public areas.
> The CCN training materials are available for general use provided the
> copyright is kept attached.
> We are preparing training materials for CSuite administrators and these
> will be available on a cost plus basis; for more information on this I
> have cc'd Douglas Rigby <> and he will be in touch.
>  --
> 	David Murdoch

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