Visitor's Telneting

Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 13:37:48 -0300
To: "Kevin Traas" <>,
From: Ken Smith <>
Cc: <>, "Matthew R. Brown" <>,

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Might I suggest the following english/french logins:


or possibly


And while I'm here, has anyone heard anything about the Csuite Beta release?

Ken Smith
Asst Sys Admin
FVCIS / ValleyNet
Chilliwack, BC, Canada

>> Alternatively...I wondering if we should give some thought to the
>> name of such an account... it would be helpfull for travellers if the
>> "visitor" account had the same name across partner systems. With the
>> comming of bilingual service we have now use "visiteur" as our French
>> "guest" account. Does this suggest a need to have four guest accounts? 
>> guest/visiteur
>> visitor/???
>I see the problem.  However, I know very little French; therefore, I'll
>have to ask others for suggestions on this one....
>Thanks for your reply.
>Kevin Traas
>Hardware/Software Committee Chairperson
>FVCIS / ValleyNet
>Chilliwack, BC, Canada
>> david potter
>> On Tue, 24 Jun 1997, Kevin Traas wrote:
>> > Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 14:20:24 -0300
>> > From: Kevin Traas <>
>> > To:, "Matthew R. Brown"
>> > Cc:
>> > Subject: Re: Visitor's Telneting
>> > 
>> > Just to add a comment regarding this feature (I'm the one who wrote it
>> > input from several others).
>> > 
>> > Right now, the user "visitor" is allowed to access our system either
>> > dialup or telnet from elsewhere on the internet.  However, access _to_
>> > account from the internet is for demonstration and/or evaluation
>> > only and will be disabled in a "production" environment.
>> > 
>> > Reasons for this include:
>> > 
>> > 1.  The whole point of having this "visitor" account is to allow
>> > to our community to use our PATS (or otherwise) to dial into our system
>> > then access their "home" system for e-mail, etc.  i.e. These visitors
>> > only be using our local dial-up numbers.
>> > 
>> > 2.  Allowing someone to connect to a system and then telnet elsewhere
>> > without having to enter a password (i.e. no user validation) is
>typically a
>> > bad idea.  'Net hackers use this method as an attempt to hide their
>> > (they bounce from system to system making it hard to find the
>> > connection).  Therefore, incoming telnet connections should not be
>> > to use the visitor account.  (This is the reason guest isn't allowed
>> > to telnet.)
>> > 
>> > The package Matt is bringing to TC97 doesn't have any login
>> > therefore, keep this in mind when/if you install it.  The included
>> > provides info on how to contact us to receive the "production" version
>> > these restrictions in place.
>> > 
>> > Matt Brown wrote:
>> > 
>> > > I approached our tech staff and they came up with a simple but
>> > method for visitors to use our system to telnet back to their own
>> > network. Here is how it works:
>> > > 
>> > >  - A visitor dials in with a terminal program to 702-1138.
>> > > 
>> > >  - Logs in as 'visitor'
>> > > 
>> > >  - Selects the community network from the menu list
>> > > 
>> > >    (the visitor is telnetted to that system)
>> > > 
>> > >  - Log in under your own name and password
>> > > 
>> > >  - when you log off your system you are logged off ours.
>> > > 
>> > > Anyone wishing to have a peek can telnet into ValleyNet at
>> > > 
>> > > and login as visitor.
>> > > 
>> > > I will be bringing this module to the CSuite Workshop at TC97..
>> > 

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