CSuite Workshop Notes - 1997-01-15

Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 16:02:05 -0400
From: Edward Dyer <aa146@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca

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                   CSuite Workshop Notes - January 15, 1997
   Next January 22, 1997
   Previous January 8, 1997
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     * Bulk Mail Demo
     * Lynx Update
     * Translation
     * Testing
     * Many things
Bulk Mail

   David Benoit reported that the test version of bulk-mail was working
   better. It is based on a client and server model. When a message is
   entered into the system, it is first delivered to all users logged in
   at the time, and to all who are set for mail-forward, by reading
   csuite/log/forwards. Then the message is entered for delivery at
   subsequent login time for all other users, subject to a specified
   expiry. Non-existent users are handled.
   Return to Topic List

   A new beta version of Lynx will be installed soon, based on the
   current Lynx 2.6 distribution.
  Editor's Note
   Selection will be via the mailing list mechanism, as before. The
   beta-lynx mailing list provides a means for feedback, so that bugs and
   problems can be reported; as before, only users who wish to
   participate in the testing and provide feedback should be using the
   beta version. After a testing period, the new version will become
   standard for all users, so those who do not wish to participate in
   testing will get the new features soon.
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   A version of the Chebucto Site (main pages) has been prepared in
   French and is available for test viewing. The French version will be
   selected according to your Language preference in Lynx. Translation is
   continuing on pages, and Lynx will support French messages. The
   key-map will not be changed at this time. Work is also proceeding on
   the French interface for Pine, although that is a major task,
   involving some 5000 messages.
   A form input for Lynx settings is under development by James K...
   Scripts are also being translated. Bash 2.0 supports alternate
   languages, so multi-lingual scripts will begin with #!@@@BASH-2.0@@@
   and substitution using environment variables (as $"....") will occur.
   Script sh2po invokes bash-2.0 with the -D option, which creates a po
   file for the script, in the form
msgid "English Version"
msgstr ""

   The translator then edits in the alternate version. Then script msgfmt
   compiles the translated po file to "messages" and it is copied to the
   appropriate language directory:
   /usr/local/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ where lynx.mo will contain the
   lynx messages, etc. The subdirectory below .../locale/ (fr in this
   case) is based directly on the ISO language specifier, and so we will
   become open to other languages as well.
   Emacs can create a .po file for C programs, and there are mechanisms
   to incorporate the translations there as well.
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  New issues:
   Various forms of HTML Comments (valid, minimal, historical)
   David Murdoch reported on the next weeks plans. He, along with James
   and Andrew, were planning a fresh install on landon, of Debian Linux
   and CSuite. They plan to carefully document the install, so that a
   future step will be to have a new user do the install with observation
   by the test team. Volunteers at levels of decreasing sophistication
   will be needed, to test install and log comments and problems.
   Creating a user by hand, and an IP by hand, would be a good manual
   experience for a new system manager.
   Andrew is preparing a form for feedback.
   Restart of partial install not working.
   Need volunteers to check out the character sets for French under
   various operating systems - MS-DOS, MS-Windows, Win95, Macintosh,
   Unix, ...
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Many things :)

   The CVS change-log pages are now available. ....
   Pine 3.95 has some problems. Sean Garrigan is working on it.
   Need to document the various system support groups
     * User Help
     * IP Help
     * Mailing Lists
     * Postmaster
     * Office
     * Membership
     * Others...
   and policy regarding access for each to parts of the system and the
   network. Also appropriate use of security access controls - Unix
   permissions, htaccess, sudo.
   Gerard is working on the Start Page concept, based on lynx-cgi.
   Remote functionality - Project available.
   Propose future "Certified User-Help Technician I, II, III)" courses,
   and designations.
   Return to Topic List
   Next Workshop January 22, 1997
   Previous Workshop January 8, 1997
   Return to CSuite Workshop Index
   Submitted by Ed Dyer aa146@chebucto.ns.ca
   Workshop Coordinator David J Murdoch djm@chebucto.ns.ca

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