Admin Documentation

Date: Sat, 9 Nov 1996 09:56:55 -0400
From: "David L. Potter" <>

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* Admin Documentation

This documentation is aimed at a less technical audience. In most instances 
the reader is not a programer but may be responsible for administration duties 
including account activation, the authorization of custom user id's or 
additional disk quota.   

This documentation should serve as a bridge between the underlying policies 
and the interface used by both administrators and the user. 

Admin documentation should also provide limited diagnostic elements that will 
provide a non-technical (trusted) volunteer with trouble shooting aids... 
"When should I call the techs?"   

This documentation will include:

 	+ an overview of each of the functional modules (user registration / 
	admin, office procedures, information provider registration / admin, 
	user support )  

 	+ walk-thru demonstrations of various office - administration 
	procedures (/CSuite/Tours) 

 	+ an overview of each of the services included within the functional 
	models (/CSuite/docs/Administrative-Overview.html) 

+ Overview	

Format:		The overview will be developed as an HTML document 
		(/CSuite/Docs/*) and will also be available as an ASCII 
		document for printing purposes.   

Content:	The overview will identify modules and broad functionality 
		associated with each. 

+ Admin Tour	

The tour of administrative services will allow the prospective administrator 
to familiarize themselves with CSuite functions. The tour provides an 
administrative interface which allows the individual in training to enter data 
and initiate procedures without fear of undesirable impacts.   

Format:		This element has been developed in an advanced HTML format 
		utilizing the  frames' feature. Currently the Tour is  
		resident' on a computer at Chebucto and is available via the 
		World Wide Web.   

Content:	The tour explores the full range of administrative functions.

+ Administrative Overview	

Format:		The Administrative Overview is being developed in HTML format. 
		The document set includes a table of contents and is 
		searchable using standard CSuite search tools.  

		The Administrative Overview will include approximately 100 
		documents (50 printed pages) 

Content:	The Administration Overview provides an important bridge 
		between the user documentation on the one hand and the 
		technical documentation on the other. Intended primarily for a 
		non-technical audience, these documents will identify linkages 
		between organization policy, user services and technical 

		One example would be the creation of mailing lists: 

		The user interface requests certain information, a portion of 
		which relates to organization policy... adjustments to these 
		policies may require changes to the user interface and/or the 
		underlying programs.    

		The administrative overview can be consulted by board members 
		to determine technical issues associated with policy decisions. 

					< end >

David Potter       
Documentation Team                             Chebucto Community Net
============== CSuite - Community Network Software ==================

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