- Spryfield Seniors Centre
It is open Monday to Saturday usually from 9 am - 9 pm . All the staff are volunteers and they use a sign-up duty roster. The space is provided rent free by mall management on a month by month agreement. If they are asked to move from their present location the mall has an alternative space they will give them. The alternative space would not be as visible or accessible. Security is provided by the mall and is good. The other mall patrons are happy with the presence of the drop-in centre as there has been spin-off business particularly for the food court.
- Spryfield Seniors Organization
It is a registered non-profit organization. They have been in operation for 2 years; approximately 1.5 years in current location. There is a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. You must be 50 years old to become a member and current membership is 230 although anyone is encouraged to participate. The Directors meet approximately every 4-6 weeks and there is an AGM.
- Activities at the Centre
Monday afternoon is a clinic with a nurse.
Tuesday is a naturopath session.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon are card games and tournaments -
With tournaments half the money goes to prizes and half to the centre
Saturday is a Jamboree with a live band.
Twice a week there is a "mall walk" for exercise.
The centre has 2 computers - a 286 used for word processing and a 386 that
has internet access. Currently there are about 10 individuals that have
interest in and use existing computers.
- Discussion about establishing an access site at the centre.
Training would be for members first and then others. Training could take
place at the schools JL Isley or BC Silver (closer to the mall and seniors
base) and the library. These locations would better be able to accommodate
group learning.
Previous experience has shown that is best for an organization to form a
separate committee that would have responsibility for the developing the
application and managing the access site. Deadlines for applications are
February 15 and then May 15. There may be another application date added
between those two deadlines.
- Training
John Ryan distributed information on a training video for seniors
developed by Microsoft. It costs
US$ 19.95. He has ordered a copy and will convey information to the
libraries so that they may think about obtaining copies.