Meeting Summary:
HRM Community Access - Progress to date
Bernie Hart gave a brief overhead presentation. He reviewed how the first
Urban CAP meeting was held last June with primarily HRM staff. From that
meeting came ideas for a) uses and b) locations. From September till the
present a series of sectoral and geographic focus group meetings have taken
place (reference document: Community Contact List). Since the development
of the neighbourhood cluster concept a several neighbourhood meetings have
taken place with more to come (reference documents: Neighbourhood Cluster
Summary and Neighbourhood Cluster List) Cluster. Bernie used the Sackville
neighbourhood as an example of the cluster concept. This group has put in
an application for funding.
Bernie reviewed the key requirements that are needed for an access
site/arrangement. They are:
- Local community board
- Suitable site
- Open at least 25 hours per week with some evening/weekend access.
Five applications have been submitted:
- Sackville as a cluster group
- Darmouth North Community Centre - individual application but they are
working with library and school
- Veith House - individual application
- Mi'kmaq Friendship Centre
- Carrefor/College de Acadia
The last two are examples of a "community of interest" rather than a
"neighbourhood" site.
Leo Deveau informed the group that there is a CAP Association for rural
sites that David Murdoch (HRM CAP Coordinator) is working with.
There was an observation and some discussion that in the rural program
there was a sense that the community identified the needs whereas it seemed
that with the urban program the program implementers were defining where
the needs are. While it is true that there has been helping and organizing
various groups within our urban community to meet and work together, Karen
Parusel clarified that a lot of that kind of activity took place in the
rural program as well. One of the constraints the urban program faces is
time as applications must be submitted by March 31, 2001, whereas the rural
program had a much longer time frame.
HRM Community Access - Organizational Structure
Bernie distributed and explained an organizational chart titled "Nova
Scotia CAP Management Structure". Within this structure which was
established with the start of the rural CAP program there is a place for an
"Urban CAP Committee". Initially it was not certain what form this
committee would take. Today the vision is that the group invited to today's
meeting would be that Advisory Committee. Bernie then showed an
organizational chart for the Neighbourhood Cluster Arrangement that places
this Advisory Committee at the top of that structure. The role of this
Advisory Committee would be to provide:
- information to meet CAP needs
- information to meet your needs (ie organizations/groups represented on the
- direction/advice on policy issues
- advice on future organizational structure
The committee would work over at least the next year and would meet once a
month. The committee would be the approximately 24 individuals invited to
the meeting today. Individuals should give thought to their interest in
working on this committee. With a group this large it is understood that
not everyone would always be able to attend but that information sharing
would be critical and email communication would be key. One suggestion has
been to set up a special place on the Chebucto site to access information
specific to this committee.
There was a brief discussion about the name of this committee as it was
called various names in the documentation. It was suggested since most of
it's role is advisory in nature it be called an Advisory Committee. Leo
Deveau added that CCN works on a volunteer basis through a variety of
committees and could see how this committee might have sub-committees to
work on various issues/topics.
Working Group
The working group would be comprised of five representatives - HR Library
(Laura Jantek), HR School Board (Valerie MacLeod), CCN (Leo Deveau) and TSS
(Bernie Hart). This group would depend on the Advisory Committee for
direction and advice.
Who Else Needs to Be Involved
Participants were asked to think about and submit now or later by email two
- Review the Community Contact List and make suggestions of list other
groups/organizations we should make contact with about this program.
- Names of any others who they think should be included in this Advisory
Neighbourhood Cluster Approach
Bernie gave a brief history of how the neighbourhood cluster concept
evolved and referred to the map posted on the wall which roughly showed the
13 clusters. The cluster idea first started to evolve at the downtown
Dartmouth focus group meeting. The concept is not the only way to define
the Urban CAP program but is a way of helping sites to connect with other
groups, share information and support each other. Additionally there are
communities of interest and some groups that cut across all neighbourhoods
(for example seniors).
Private Sector
Maurice Lloyd who was representing his daughter, Moira Lloyd (co-owner of
the Celidih Connection) raised the point that government programs can have
a negative effective on the private sector. If for example a "free access"
site opened next door to their business it could put them out of business.
Leo Deveau suggested that the community was bigger than what this program
will offer. There are many different needs to be met and different sites
will offer different benefits. He gave the example that although the
Chebucto Community Net has offered "free access" for several years to those
who cannot afford other service providers there is still plenty of room for
the private sector.
The question raised by Kim Vance was, are there not two different agendas
at work and we should be clear about who was being targeted by this
program. She suggested for example that there was likely no middle ground
between say her organization and a private business.
Next steps
- Minutes will be sent out to those in attendance as well as those unable to
- An invitation to the next Advisory Committee meeting and likely a list of
scheduled meetings will be sent asking people to participate on the
- Participants at this meeting to share ideas about who else should be
included. They can contact Joanne Fraser or Bernie Hart.