Bedford Community Access Program Meeting
Bedford Public Library
April 25, 2000
In attendance:
- Rona Chisholm
IEI Project, HR School Board
- Sharon Haley- Mancini
Bedford Public Library
- Denise Morely
Bedford/Sackville Literacy Network
- Merle MacDonald
Special Project CCN/HRSB
- Nancy MacAloney
HRM Recreation - LeBrun Centre
- Ivy Warren
Coordinator Recreation Bedford/Sackville
- Bernie Hart
Technology & Science Secretariat (TSS)
- David Murdoch
Coordinator, Halifax Regional CAP
- Joanne Fraser
Consultant CCN and TSS
Invited but unable to attend:
- Anne MacVickar
- Len Goucher
- Janet Lord
- Bill Gard
- Peter Kelly
HRM Councillor
- Doug Rigby
Dartmouth Seniors
- Vivian Brownlee
Bedford Leisure Club
Meeting Summary:
This meeting was intended to acquaint people with the Federal-Provincial
program designed to provide public access to information technologies and
the internet. The purpose was to gather interested groups together to give
an overview of this program and to explore together the possibilities for
establishing community access arrangements in Bedford.
- Community Access Program - Overview
Bernie Hart gave an overhead presentation on the Community Access Program.
Key points covered were:
- is a joint program of Industry Canada and the province (Technology &
Science Secretariat)
- rationale for the program
- what a CAP site is
- requirements to meet for funding
- up to $20,000 available per site
- since 1996 140 sites established with 224 as the target
components of CAP
Pilot project is occurring in the Strait area for HRDC services. Charging
service fees at CAP sites may be a way to be self-sustaining. It probably
costs $12-15,000 to run a site annually with a part-time coordinator.
- Cluster Concept
The rural and urban approaches to CAP were highlighted. In Urban HRM the
cluster concept has been adopted with 13 potential clusters identified.
Each would have a library and high school (either junior or senior) as its
core sites with other sites depending on community need. A list of cluster
sites was distributed.
- Bedford Community Needs
Discussion centered on what the needs were, who else needs to be involved
and where potential sites might be located.
Community Needs
- Seniors population - Leisure Club (behind Legion)
- HRDC Office - Sunnyside Mall (Nancy Atwood)
- Bedford Historical Society - The Teachery (Marvin Silver)
- Business Development
- Fort Sackville Foundation - Sackville Manor (Anne MacVicker)
- LeBrun Center
- Nancy Wallace - Mary Poppins Child Care Center (possible p-6)
- Volunteer Fire Department
- Bedford Basin Yacht Club Seasonal
- Tourism Office - Moyers Building Seasonal
- Basinview Elementary - ESL Classes - Evening Courses
- McKenzie College ??? (Sunnyside)
- Sunnyside Mall - High Traffic, Maritime Dance, Daycare, Montessori School
- Wellness Center - Royal Bank Building
- HRDC - Royal Bank Building (Nancy Atwood)
- LeBrun Center
- Sustainability factor
- Have available space
- Easy accessibility by bus
- Library
- Space constraints
- "Free" use vs cost recovery
- Literacy Network
- Poor/limited physical space
- Could incorporate CAP information/basic skills in current program
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