As we celebrate the beginning of the last year of the milliniam, GONZO
activities and grazing were everywhere.
After celebrating New Years Eve in our own special ways with our
families and in our neighbourhoods the dawn of the new year's events
began in Halifax Harbour, Black Rock Beach, where the founding members
of our swimming splinter group took their yearly plunge into the 1*C
salt water. Honest Abe and Dipper(after a couple year hiatus as a
support staff for his daughters) along with said girls Emily and Sophie
went screaming onto the H2O with an estimated 500 others. Supporting
were Betty, Reggie, and S g. The day was a crisp but windless -5* and
our swimmers looked quite comfortable as they casually got dressed,
posing for pictures by the Labatts Polar Bear.
Observed in the audience, thinking about next year, were The Stalker,
the old Geezer, Pack it in, Pack it out and lovely wife Linda, the
Scrounger, Fireball and 1,500 other wannabees.
Following this event these "early risers" went along to Mark "I'm
Selling Halifax" and Holly's home for coffee, muffins, juice, and all
kinds of other goodies. They were joined by VIKING, Helga, Low
Maintenance, husband Brian, OBD and his lovely friend Donna, and Heinz
Ketchup who served delicate chicken livers wrapped in bacon. I'm sure
there were others I forgot but my mind is getting older and forgetfull.
(body remains the same youthfull adonis it always was).
This 1st annual event was widely aclaimed and appreciated by all. If we
are all nice to Mark, and buy a couple houses this year, maybe there
will be a 2nd annual????????
In the afternoon IMAX organized the 3rd annual, and slowing catching on,
"Paddle In" the New Year. Meeting at the mouth of the Sackville River,
IMAX, Sungod, Fireball, VIKING, Dipper, and Sophie paddled thier Old
Towns out into the North end of Bedford Basin for less than a mile
before they ran into a skim of ice which progressively got thicker.
After ploughing a few hundred feet, looking like small Louis St.
Laurents, it was decided another polar swim would not be a good idea.
After playing around in the bay and doing a bit of surfing and eddying
in the moving water of the river mouth, it was decided time to visit the
local Tim Hortons for a brew.
From other reports there were GONZO's all over the metro area doing
their normal activities of running, biking, swimming, lots of eating,
and in general just being the nice people we are.
Cheers, love and kisses from the den of the Sungod and his family.
PS: Did you know this is a leap year?
PPS: See ya at the end of the end of the milliniam in 366 days.