With all this snow around did you ever wonder what it might feel like to
be in Hawaii? Well, if you were one of the bodies sitting in front of
the blazing fire at Motorhome Barbies kennel last Saturday night you
could have easily imagined being right on the beach.
Gonzos arrived in various types of 'sun belt' dress--to the surprise of
no one, Viking won the 'most tackiest' with his combination of grass
skirt and 'coconut breasts'. The best dressed went to Scrounger--while
everyone else went with colourful, warm weather, motives, Ross, thinking
outside the box came resplendint in matching suit and tie of
With Beach Boys tunes vibrating in the background, a fun time was had by
all--after treating ourselves to dips, bacon wrapped livers, and various
forms of roughage, we relaxed playing a number of mind and word games
with prizes awarded to the more intelligent(?)