The annual Boxing Day hike into Jack's Lake has again been done. After
rendevousing at Timmies (nothing new there), 14 hikers and 5 K-9's drove
to the trail head, to find the gate across the parking lot.
Oh well we thought, typical 'Government mentality'--It's a holiday,
close the parks.
Nope, the trail really is closed. Less than a minute onto the trail and
we had to go a number of feet into the woods to get around a downed
tree. Then again, then over a downed tree, ad infinitum. The 1st 20
minutes of the trail took about 30 minutes to cover because of the trees
across the trail.
The last 5 minutes through the swamp area took over 20 minutes--The
trees, all the trees, large trees, were down, in no regular
pattern--over, under, around, through, etc. The was no trail----head for
the high point where the fire pit used to be. We never did find the real
spot but we found a nice set up, had a great fire, ate lots of
chocolats, smoked goodies, mussels, hot drinks, couple brews, cheeses,
and peperronis.
Now it is time to leave---coming in we never did find a 30 foot by 30
foot square fire pit area, now going out we had to cross the same
downfall-----trying to locate a small trail, a small trail well hidden
at times with downed trees.
We figured since the trail goes pretty well East/West, we would go in a
North direction and we will cut the trail------Of course no one had a
compass--why would you have a compass to walk a well defined trail that
we have covered many times (upon discussions, no one had a light or
tarps, etc.---the well equiped woodsman, eh!)
But, being the experts we are, knowing it was 3:00pm, knowing the sun
goes down in the west, etc, etc., we just kept the sun at our left,
'BEAT' our way over, under, around, through, the windfalls, finally
finding the trail, and out to the cars and home to our kennels.
A warm welcome to some new hikers, Barbie's 82 year old dad Jack (I
think Barbie has been removed from the will) and Marlene's sister
Brenda. Other hikers were Ross, Gordon, Nancy W., Chris, Betty, Jerome,
Bruce D., and Bruce M., Greg V., Barbie, Marlene, and Judy. Really
having a good time were Lewis, Mad Max, Chip, Tessa, and Missy.
Look forward to seeing everyone in the New Year.