
Flatwater Course 2004       Picasa Photo Album

I had the great pleasure of watching 10 people learn a new skill (canoeing) at least new to them on the weekend. Now I missed the first part of the pool rescue canoe over canoe training and I hear that was pretty good (at least according to Linda, wife of Pack it in, Pack it out), but I did make it in time to see them still trying to get into canoes. And everybody survived albeit with huge black and blue marks all over their bodies. BUT they now knew they could get back into a canoe ~ an immense ego building exercise that can not possibly be downplayed.

The next day( according to the weatherman was to be warm, sunny, cloudy, sprinkly, rainy, and overcast ) he was correct. It was warm and it was sunny. I guess if you pick everything you will be right. He did not say it would snow and again he was right, it didn't snow. A great day to be on the water.

The Gonzos are blessed that they have so much talent in their midst. Imax puts on this course and noone could do it better. He is so patient and understanding. I mean 4 or 5 of these people had never been in a canoe and 3 or 4 could not even swim. They were awesome on Saturday, and now with a little practice, they will be able to join the rest of the Gonzos on some of our paddles.

The group consisted of Wayne (Pack it in, Pack it out) Banks, Non-swimmer and needless to say non canoeist; Nancy (Voice of Reason) Warnica, a sometime canoeist; Mike and his wife Christine Mueller, sometime canoeists;Ross (Scrounger) Mitchell and his wife Linda and their daughter Kirsten and her friend Shelley,Non canoeists; and Andrea and Dave, with a beautiful home made Cedar strip canoe.

By the end of a long day, all were equally adept at either the stern or the bow. The hardest part, outside of trying to flop back into a canoe is the dock landing, and with just a bit of practice (Wednesday nights are getting pretty quiet at the Marina with the two Bruces not around) should be the equal of the rest of us.

A special Thank you to Bernie for initiating a few more into the fantastic world just on top of the water.


Heck, I even for the first time, got Tess into a canoe, and we spent a couple of hours paddling around the lake, and she seemed to be quite happy. AND she didn't tip us as we landed.