Trainer's Outline for User Training 1
- List of topics covered
- Registration form (for new users who don't have an
account yet)
Instructions for Trainers
Be sensitive to level of trainees. If they are new to CFN
and new to computers, allow plenty of time for them to get
used to the system.
Time Limit: 1 hour
Suggested Narrative
Let people introduce themselves and say why they are
here at this training session. If any have any specific
questions, make note of them and try to cover them during
the training session if time permits.
Encourage people to ask questions and try things out as they
Background information
(keep this short, like 5 minutes,
so we can get to the hands-on stuff sooner)
"What is Chebucto Freenet?
Chebucto Freenet is a community computer network for
Halifax/Dartmouth/Bedford and surrounding communities.
Freenets are a community resource: they provide
information about organizations in the community (give
examples). They often also provide a connection to the
Internet, which is a large worldwide network of
networks. Freenets work on the principle of universal
access, like libraries. Anyone should be able to
access the Freenet, regardless of income level. They
don't even have to own a computer. The Halifax Library
has a public access terminal available for anyone to
use to access Chebucto FreeNet."
"The Chebucto FreeNet is connected to the Internet. It
is part of the World Wide Web, a collection of
information on the Internet which connected by
hypertext. We'll see what hypertext means after we log
onto the FreeNet."
Log onto Freenet
Get the users to log on using their own accounts (if
they have them). If they haven't registered or their
account hasn't come through yet, have them log on as
Basic Navigation
At the home page, point out the bolded phrases which
are preceded by a number, explain that they are links
to more information. This is "hypertext". Note that
links can be anywhere, not just in a list, e.g. can be in
the middle of a sentence.
- Cursor movement
- down arrow to move cursor to next link
up arrow to move cursor to previous link
- Following links
- right arrow or RETURN to follow link
left arrow to go back
Take a look at home page, comment on organization
(topics available), follow the help desk link
- Paging up and down in a document
- space for forward
- or b for backward
< to go to top of document
> to go to end of document
(Let them practice moving around the Freenet for
- Alternatives to arrow keys (can be used if the arrow
keys don't work on your computer setup):
- ^N or tab (instead of down-arrow) to move to next link
on page
- ^P (instead of up-arrow) to move to previous link
- [return] to follow link
- ^B instead of left-arrow to go back to previous
Type link numbers (in square brackets) to follow a
link; this is usually faster than using the arrow keys.
The Menu Bar
"Lynx is the name of the program that runs when you log
onto Chebucto FreeNet. It's called a "browser" because
it lets you browse around the information which is on
the Chebucto FreeNet and also the World Wide Web (which
CFN is part of).
Lynx has some commands which can be useful..."
Point out the menu bar at the bottom of the screen;
note that this is a summary of the one-letter commands
that you can type while browsing in Chebucto FreeNet
O to rotate the menu and display the other commands
- Some useful commands from the menu (let them try out
these commands)
- K for keymap
- Y for history
- A for add bookmark
- V for view bookmark
- C for comment
- H for home page
- G for go...try a few shortcuts like [go ip], [go
who], mention the standard [go...] notation
Side note:
"These commands apply to Lynx (which is what you get when
you log on by dial-up)
If you go to the PAT (public access terminal) at the Halifax
City Library, you may notice that it's running a program
called Mosaic. This is also a browser, but it uses graphics
as well as text. But it's all the same information, it's
just displayed differently."
Fill-in forms
- Do fill-in forms tutorial from help desk
- Try [go people] as an example of a fill-in form
Where to find help
- Help Desk
- Chebucto Freenet Services
- Searching the help docs
- Searching all documents on CFN
Getting registered
For people who don't yet have an account, go through
the registration procedure.