Having the signed IP agreement and the IP directory set up is not a strict prerequisite for taking this course, i.e. we are not going to turn people away because this has not been done. However, if the IPs have not yet done their paperwork, you must emphasize that they cannot install their files or get a link from one of the main pages until this is done.
We are also assuming that the IP reps now have HTML files that they are ready to upload to CCN. This means that they have tested them on their own PCs and are satisfied with them.
Time Limit: 1 hour
In this session we will be discussing the steps to get the IP's files onto Chebucto Community Net.
An alternative to uploading with Kermit, Zmodem, etc. is to do a text file send. The user would create a new file, open it in the PICO editor, then get the comm program to send a text file, i.e. type it out to the host.
If the IP reps usually log in to CCN via telnet, then they will not be able to upload using the usual protocols. If this is the situation, they can mail the files to their CCN account. If they have a mail program that can do MIME attachments, then that is probably the easiest way to handle it. Just attach all the HTML files to a mail message and mail it to their CCN account. If they don't know how to view and save attachments in PINE, you should go through this.
If their mailer can't do attachments, then they will have to include the file in the body of your mail message. In this case, they should mail each file separately (it will make life easier on the receiving end). When they receive these mail messages at CCN, they can export each message to a separate text file. Unfortunately, with this method, some extra editing is required to remove the mail headers from the top of each file.
FTP has also been enabled on CCN. If IPs have access to a conventional FTP program then they can ftp to ccn.cs.dal.ca and login to their account. They will then be presented with their home directory. Note that this does not seem to work using the ftp:// protocol in HTML.
Note that the IPs may want to keep all their HTML in a subdirectory, to keep their directories neat.
Also note that if the files were developed on a DOS or Windows system, they will have to rename all the files to have the extension .html (instead of .htm).
Explain what "install" actually does: copies the file to the directory assigned to the IP and also puts the file into RCS (Revision Control System). RCS keeps track of the changes made to the file. It stamps each file with a version number, the date and time it was last modified, and by whom. With RCS, it is possible to retrieve old versions of the file. This way, changes to a file do not make the previous version irretrievable.
Go to some already installed IP files on CCN and look at the HTML source using the backslash key (\). Point out the two lines that are inserted by the installation program, with the version number, date and time of modification, user id of the person who modified it. Point out that it also sets the destination email address for any comments (i.e. where to send any comments made by pressing the c key).
IPs have been asking how to verify that files have actually been installed. Here's an HTML tip: if a URL points to a directory rather than a file and if this directory does not contain a file called index.html, the browser will display the contents of the directory. So they can edit their bookmark file to add a URL that will point to the IP directory. Then they will be able to view the contents of this directory.
Each IP organization needs to decide which second page should contain a link to their information. If more than one page seems appropriate, then they can have a link on those pages too.
When they know where you want to be linked in, email to fn- edit with a request. The email request should contain the following information:
Small changes can be most easily handled by directly editing the installed files. To do this, view the file you want to change, then type e for edit. If you are the IP rep for this organization (i.e. you are named in the signed IP agreement), you should have the proper editing privileges and should be able to do this. When you exit the editor and save the file, the RCS system will ask you for a comment. Type in a brief note on the nature of the changes made (e.g. "corrected typos" or "added link to Blahblah"). Typing a period and then [RETURN] will get you out of this mode.
For more major changes, it is usually easier to do it the same way as the files were developed: write and test the HTML on the home PC, upload, install. Installing over existing files will work okay; i.e. RCS will number the version correctly.
IPs should check their links periodically, especially those to off-site locations. If a link is broken, either repair it or remove it.
If an IP organization changes their representatives, they should notify ccn-ip by email and the editing privileges (and mail aliases) will get rearranged accordingly.