Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science
Halifax, Nova Scotia
ISSN 0078-2521
Vol 39 1992 Part 4, pp. 149–247
Cumulative Author and Subject Indices to Proceedings of the Nova Scotian
Institute of Science Volumes 1-39 (1863 to 1992) inclusive
[Note: the original description of the indices published in Vol. 39(4) has been lightly edited for display here.]
The Nova Scotian Institute of Science has published facts about the natural
history of the Province (and also of much of Canada) in its Proceedings since
1863. The Proceedings are therefore important, not only to students of the
history of science, but to all those scientists, now and in the future, whose
interests require a knowledge of their predecessors' work. The Proceedings are
difficult to access, because volumes 1–8 are hard to find and in addition no
index has been published since volume 26. A cumulative index to volumes 1–7
was published (Proc. N.S. Inst. Sci. 7: 495-523) in 1890 and a further
cumulative index to volumes 1–25 in 1953. Neither of these segregated a list of
authors from a subject index and the latter covered information found only in
the titles of papers and abstracts.
Bibliographic and editorial work for the Institute has become increasingly
difficult in recent years because of the problem of finding information
published in the Proceedings. The Council of the Institute therefore
authorized a thorough cumulative index of Volumes 1–39 inclusive and this is now
published as separate author and subject indices. Certain conventions have
been adopted in the assembly of these indices and these are described in the
next two sections of this introduction.
All authors (825) of papers and abstracts are included in this index and are
given in strict alphabetical order (e.g. MacA... appears before McA...). The
titles of some papers are slightly expanded to give a better indication of their
content. In such cases additional material is enclosed in parentheses, care
must therefore be taken to distinguish editorial additions from e.g.,parenthetic
binominal addenda. In other cases, titles have been abbreviated slightly to
standardize the format of the index. Throughout, terms used by authors that
have been superseded by internationally agreed nomenclature, have been replaced.
As far as possible units have been converted into the centimetre-second-gram
system. Prefixes used are translated in the table of abbreviations found in
the file IndxAbr. Abstracts are distinguished from full papers by an asterisk.
The titles of all abstracts are given, even those that contain minimal
information. A full list of references is given for each author, but the
titles of papers and abstracts having more than one author are only given for
the author first named.
Subject Index
About 80% of the papers published in the Proceedings could be classified as
biology. The subject index has therefore been built by assembling a list of
the binominal names of plants and animals that form the subject of original
botanical and zoological studies. A consistent use of authorities has not been
achieved for many reasons and this is an area that might well be improved in
future editions of this index. Species that are merely mentioned in
catalogues (e.g. floras) are not included, and species reported in reviews are
only included if they are judged to illustrate, or alert the reader to the
subject matter. Obviously this judgement is biased, but can be corrected in
future editions. The index incorporates a glossary of common English names of
species and their corresponding scientific nomenclature. This has been done to
enable the use of binominal names throughout the index because the Proceedings
are exchanged with many scientific societies whose members might be unfamiliar
with these common names. There are, of course many instances where the taxonomy
of species has been changed and an attempt has been made to give cross
references in these cases.
There are, however, many papers that describe work of general biological
interest particularly in the fields of physiology and biochemistry. Thus in
addition to the list of organisms there is a section of the index devoted to
biology that is subdivided into the various sub-disciplines, with the exceptions
of agriculture, horticulture, phenology and paleontology. The first two of
these subjects are combined in a separate section and the latter finds its
traditional place as a subdiscipline of geology. In cross referencing the main
subject heading e.g. "biology" is given first followed by the subdiscipline or
subject e.g. "ecology". The phenological data, collected over 31 years by Dr.
A.H. MacKay is a major contribution to Canadian science and is given in a
separate section.
An attempt has been made to provide a geographical index to allow those who for
example, are interested in the ecology of an area to be easily able to find all
references to that location. In Nova Scotia it has been somewhat
inconsistently divided into papers dealing generally with the Province, and
papers classified on a county basis with two exceptions. These deal with
Halifax (and its harbour) and with Cape Breton. Elsewhere, subdivision is made
only to provincial or state level.
Most papers on other scientific disciplines can be found under the appropriate
heading, except for geology and physics which are divided into the usual
sub-disciplines. There are very few papers dealing with purely chemical
investigations. Thus chemical aspects of papers are classified under three
headings: analytical methods and techniques, minerals, and chemical substances.
Papers on physical chemical topics, especially thermodynamics are given under
the appropriate subheading in physics.
The chemical substances section is arranged, more or less, in accord with
Chemical Abstracts conventions. All substances are given in alphabetical
order. Carbon compounds are given (where possible) in order of increasing
numbers of carbon atoms in the molecule and within each set of compounds having
the same numbers of carbon atoms, in increasing numbers of hydrogen atoms i.e.
not in alphabetical order. Within each group of carbon and hydrogen atoms the
remaining elements in the molecules are given in alphabetical order. As in
Chemical Abstracts usage the technique of roots is occasionally used. Thus
derivatives of 2-amino-3-phenylpropan-1-ol are given under this heading in order
of increasing molecular weight. Here and throughout the subject index a dash
"-" is used to indicate repetition of words on the previous line. Selection
rules for chemicals to appear in this subsection of the index were similar to
the selection of species (see above), particularly in the case of review papers.
Throughout the indices symbols for chemical elements are used that are
recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. In
formulae numerical subscripts indicate multiple atomic species in the molecule,
numerical superscripts preceding the symbol indicate abnormal isotopic species,
and those following the symbol(s) ionic charge.
Many subjects reported in abstracts give little or no factual data, these are
not incorporated into the subject index unless a reference is given in the
abstract to full publication of the experimental data in another journal. Where
space is available this journal name is indicated in the index. Several
instruments and other measuring equipment are mentioned in abstracts and papers
but are not included in the subject index unless sufficient details e.g.
drawings, are given to allow them to be constructed or bought.
Go to the Author Index.