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11, 2005 Chemistry
University, Halifax, NS
JULY 14, 2005 AT 6:00 PM At NRC
Institute for Marine Biosciences 1411 Oxford
St. Halifax, NS
The meeting
was called to order at 2:34 pm. 1.
Chair, Jim Frazee, welcomed everyone to the second Annual General
Meeting of the
Nova Scotia Chemists’ Society (NSCS). 2.
of 2004 AGM:
Copies of the draft Minutes of the first Annual General Meeting of the
held on Sept. 21, 2004 had been distributed to members prior to this
meeting. The Secretary, Bill Thorpe, moved
that the Minutes be
approved as
distributed, and Jocelyne Hellou seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously. The
Secretary will distribute the approved Minutes to the NSCS membership. There was no business arising from the Minutes. 3.
Report: Jim
Frazee presented his report, in which he stressed the importance that
the Board
has placed in increasing membership in the Society.
Highlights of the Board’s activities over the past nine
months include preparation of a brochure (copies of which were handed
out at the
AGM for distribution to prospective members) and set-up of our web
site, which
is now operational. Jim Frazee
moved that his report be approved as distributed, and Susan Boyd
seconded the
motion. The motion passed
unanimously. 4.
Report: Bill
Thorpe presented his report, in which he summarized the events of our
first AGM
last September, described the seven (erroneously reported as six)
meetings of
the Board since the AGM, and highlighted our new brochure and web site. Bill Thorpe moved that his report be approved
distributed, with the
amendment, and Joyce Milley seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously. 5.
Report: The
Treasurer, Jocelyne Hellou, presented her report, in which she reported
that the
Society’s revenues since Sept. 2004 totaled $910.00 (26 memberships +
interest), while expenditures were $485.49. Combined
with our opening cash balance of $484.85, this
resulted in a
current cash balance of $909.66. The Treasurer moved that her report be
as distributed, and Clive Elson seconded the motion.
D. Jamieson asked about Director’s liability insurance,
and Jim Frazee
explained that the Board has kept this issue on the table, but the
Society needs
a much stronger financial base before we can consider purchasing
insurance. The motion passed unanimously. 6.
Report on CSC
Board/Professionalism: Susan Boyd
gave a report on
the results of a discussion on professionalism that was part of the
Society for Chemistry (CSC) Board meeting held on June 1, 2005 in
with the CIC Annual Conference (this report will be available on our
web site). The CSC is very much supportive
of our goal of achieving
status of Chemists and Chemical Technicians in Nova Scotia through the
Chemists’ Society. Indeed, the
CSC passed the following motion: “The CSC
will raise the status of the chemist as a
professional in Canada.” The new
Vice-President of the CSC, Dave Schwass, along with two new Directors,
Clement and Yves Ducharme, have accepted responsibilities for moving
this issue
forward. The NSCS obviously will
benefit from the support of the CSC in achieving our long-term goals. 7.
Report of the Nominating
Committee: Bill Thorpe reported that all
of the current year’s Directors and Officers of the Society have agreed
stand for re-election with the exception of John Courtneidge, who is
moving out
of the Province. Two other members
of the Society have agreed to put their names forward for election as
of the Society. 8.
of Directors and Officers: The following names were put forward to stand
for election
by the members
as Directors and Officers of the NSCS: Jim Frazee
President Joyce Milley
Vice-President Bill Thorpe
Hellou Treasurer There were
no further nominations from the floor. It
was moved by Bill Thorpe and seconded by Jim Frazee
that nominations
for officers of the NSCS cease. The
motion passed unanimously, and these four members nominated were
elected as
Officers of the NSCS by acclimation. 9.
of Directors-at-Large:
The following names were put forward to stand for election by the
members as
Directors-at-Large of the NSCS: Gordon Boyce
Clive Elson Susan Boyd
Mike Fraser Charles
Eisnor There were
no further nominations from the floor. It
was moved by Bill Thorpe and seconded by Jim Frazee
that nominations
for Directors-at-Large of the NSCS cease. The
motion passed unanimously, and these five members nominated were
elected as
Directors-at-Large of the NSCS by acclimation. 10. Other Business: 10.1 Professionalism As a result of Susan Boyd’s report on the CSC initiative on professionalism, there was a discussion among members about the role of our Society and the professionalism of chemists and chemical technologists in the province. Included in the discussion was the issue of right to title and right to practice, with Jim Frazee explaining that in NS they would go hand-in-hand once the required legislation is passed. This means that one will be required to be a member of the NSCS in order to practice chemistry in NS. He explained that there are differences among the provinces with respect to the legislative acts covering professionalism, with Alberta and Quebec having professionals covered under encompassing legislation for all professional groups, while in Ontario the legislation is different for chemists and engineers. With regard to the issue of competency, most professional associations covered by legislation require that their members be tested on their respective Codes of Ethics, as opposed to their technical competency. 10.2 Membership Jocelyne Hellou expressed concern about the low turnout for the AGM, a concern shared by all present. This points out the challenge faced by the NSCS not only in raising our membership level significantly, but also in ensuring that there is a definite commitment by our members to be involved in the Society. Although undergraduates may not join the NSCS, all those present recognized the need to get our message out to schools and universities. Suggestions made to increase our membership included: distributing membership applications to graduating students, making a presentation to the annual student chemistry conference, making use of the Atlantic Canada CIC membership list and making the effort to establish personal contact with our prospective members. 11. Next Meeting: The next annual meeting of the members of the NSCS (AGM) was set for Saturday, April 22, 2006. The time and location of the AGM will be determined by the Board at a later date. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm. Respectfully
J. William
Thorpe Secretary June 27, 2005