Earth Religions Coalition East (ERCE) Membership Form


Name: Pagan Name (optional):

Tradition: If "other", please tell us more about your tradition

Address: City: Province:

Postal Code: Phone:

Email address:

Keep name and address confidential?

If unchecked ‚ I want my name and address available to:-
ERCE members Other Pagans in my community

Keep email address confidential?

If "unchecked" ‚ I want my email address available to:-
ERCE members Other on-line Pagans

Do you wish to join the ERCE email discussion-list? Yes, join erce list

I am interested in helping out with:

assisting ritual carpooling coordinating volunteers teaching workshops

correspondence fundraising gov't requirements where I'm needed

leading ritual public relations secretarial work other

What "other" would you like to help with?:

And suggestions for ERCE activities/events/fundraisers/etc?

Please print out the entire form, sign it, and return it to us c/o Little Mysteries Bookstore, 1645 Barrington Street, Halifax NS, B3J 1Z9, with your $2 (two dollars) for membership, signing the statement below. Send an on-line copy to us by pressing the "send" button.

ERCE Statement of Faith

There are many different groups within Earth Religions Coalition East. Each group has its own specific faiths or beliefs, its own deities, Gods and Goddesses. The following statement represents those beliefs which we hold in common and which are basic to our membership of ERCE.
  1. Our faith is founded in Mother Earth, and our respect for her. We believe in the divinity of Earth and her creatures and peoples.

  2. We believe that every person creates her or his own understanding and love for Earth. Each of us therefore has the right to worship in our own way, and to declare that which is sacred to us. Each person should develop her or his personal relationships with Deities and the Divine, as that person perceives Them.

  3. Rights bring with them responsibilities. It is the responsibility of each of us to learn about Earth, her creatures and plants and her peoples. It is the responsibility of each of us to manifest our growing knowledge in our daily living.

  4. Every day of our lives, we acknowledge the Earth as a Goddess: we are part of Her, as She is part of us.

Signature: ...........................................................................................................