Earth Religions Coalition East


Adopted April 1996

  1. The name of the organization is Earth Religions Coalition East (ERCE)
  2. The purposes of the organization are:
  3. Statement of Faith
  4. There are many different groups within Earth Religions Coalition East. Each group has its own specific faiths or beliefs, its own deities, Gods and Goddesses. The following statement represents those beliefs which we hold in common and which are basic to our membership of Earth Religions Coalition East.

  5. In the event of the winding up or dissolution of the organization, the remaining assets after payment of all debts and liabilities shall be turned over to a recognized charitable organization in the Province of Nova Scotia, or elsewhere in Canada, as directed by the members.
  6. The purposes of the organization shall be carried out without purposes of gain for its members and any profits or other accretions to the organization shall be used for promoting its purpose.

Earth Religions Coalition East - Bylaws

Part 1 Definitions

  1. In these bylaws, unless the context otherwise requires,
  1. In these bylaws,

Part 2 - Membership

  1. Membership to the organization is open to Pagans belonging to any Pagan Tradition or other Earth religion, whether or not they already belong to any other Pagan group or organization.
  2. A member in good standing is a person who has
  3. The membership fee shall be $2.00 (Canadian) per year; however, each member is requested, if his or her finances permit, to show their support of the organization by way of donation or labour.
  4. A person shall cease to be a member of the organization
  5. 1. Before revoking a membership, an ad-hoc committee shall meet, with the allegedly offending member in question present, to inquire into the situation. If the committee deems it necessary, a special general meeting will be called to decide the outcome.
  6. 2. a former member whose membership has been revoked for not being in good standing may subsequently be considered for membership upon demonstration of ability and willingness to make restitution and reparation.

  7. The following reasons are considered valid for revoking membership:
  8. All members shall be entitled to attend any and all General Meetings. New memberships will not be issued at amy Annual General Meeting until after all regular and special business has been attended to. New members are not entitled to vote on major issues, such as election of trustees, until they have been members for one full year Each member is entitled to one vote. Proxy voting is not allowed.
  9. Membership becomes active upon payment of dues and runs for one year from that date.
  10. The total membership of the organization shall consist of members from at least three different traditions.

Part 3 - Fiscal Year

  1. The fiscal year of the organization shall be the period from November in any year to November in the year following.

Part 4 - Meetings

  1. All final decision making that affects the organization as a whole shall be done at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings.
  2. Meetings of the organization shall be held at the time and place that the members decide; and at least once per annum.
  3. There shall be two types of membership meetings: Annual General and Special General.
  4. 1. Notice of all meetings shall specify the place, day and hour of the meeting, and in the case of special business, the general nature of the business. In the case of any Annual General or Special General Meeting, similar notice shall be given to each member least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.
  5. 2. The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting, or the non-receipt by any of the members entitled to receive notice, does not invalidate proceedings at the meeting.

  6. The quorum at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting is 10 percent of the voting membership entitled to attend or 5 members, whichever is greater.
  7. No binding decisions, other than the adjournment or termination of the meeting shall be made at a time when quorum is not present.

Part 5- Annual General Meetings

  1. The Annual General Meeting of the organization shall be held in April of every year.
  2. In the event that quorum is not present within one half hour of the time specified for an Annual General Meeting in the notice of that meeting it shall stand adjourned until the same day and time in the following week at which time those members present shall form a quorum.
  3. However, in the event that an Annual General Meeting is adjourned to the following week, pursuant to Part 5 Section 2, no constitutional changes can be implemented at that meeting.
  4. At each Annual General Meeting of the organization, the following items of business shall be dealt with and shall be deemed to be ordinary business
    1. a. minutes of proceeding general meeting;

      b. consideration of the annual reports of the trustees;

      c. consideration of the financial statements, including balance sheet and operating statement and the report of the auditor thereon, if an auditor is deemed necessary by the membership by way of a Special Resolution;

      d. election of trustees whose terms of office have expired;

      e. appointment of an auditor if so deemed necessary by the membership by way of a Special Resolution.

  5. All other business transacted at an Annual General Meeting shall be deemed to be special business.

Part 6 - Special General Meetings

  1. The trustees or 10 percent of the membership may call a Special General Meeting for any purpose. The Trustees are responsible for convening the meeting.
  2. In the event that quorum is not present within one half hour of the time specified in the notice of the meeting, it shall be dissolved.
  3. No decisions shall be made at a Special General Meeting except that for which the meeting was called.

Part 7 - Trustees

  1. The president, vice president (public relations), vice president (official relations), vice president (ritual coordination), treasurer, secretary and one trustee-at-large shall be the trustees of the organization.
  2. 1. The trustees shall retire from office at the end of each Annual General Meeting when their successors shall be elected, but may run for re-election.
  3. 2.An election may be by acclamation, otherwise it shall be by secret ballot.

  4. The membership may at any time and from time to time elect a voting member as a trustee to fill a vacancy.
  5. Any voting member of the organization in good standing is eligible to stand for election as a trustee.
  6. Meetings of the trustees may by called by any trustee or by resolution passed at any meeting.
  7. No member shall be renumerated for being or acting as a trustee, but a member may apply in advance to be reimbursed for expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by her or him while engaged in affairs of the organization.
  8. The trustees shall be members from at least three (3) different faiths or traditions.
  9. The president and vice presidents shall be members from at least three (3) different faiths or traditions if at all possible.
  10. Part 8- Duties of Trustees

  11. It shall be the duty of all trustees to assist other trustees in the performance of their duties.
  12. The President shall
    1. a.preside at all meetings of the organization

      b. be responsible for the organization of the meetings of the trustees

      c. be a signing officer of the organization

  13. The Vice President (Public Relations) shall
    1. a. assist the president

      b. act as a liaison with the non-Pagan community and media to inform the general public regarding modern day Paganism.

      c. head any Public Relations committee that should be formed

  14. The Vice President (Official Relations) shall
    1. a. assist the president

      b. act as a liaison with governmental and other official agencies on behalf of the organization and its goals

      c. head any Official Relations committee that should be formed.

  15. The Vice President (Ritual Coordination) shall
    1. a. assist the president

      b. oversee and organize all public ritual held under the auspices of the organization

      c. head any Ritual Coordination committee that should be formed.

      d. head any Accreditation committee that should be formed

  16. The Secretary shall
    1. a. conduct the correspondence of the organization

      b. issue notices of meetings

      c. keep all membership records and mailing lists

      d. keep minutes of all meetings of the organization

      e. be a signing officer of the organization

      e. have custody of the common seal of the organization, if any.

  17. The Treasurer shall
    1. a. keep the financial records, including books of account.

      b. render financial statements to the organization members and others when required

      c. be responsible for issuing receipts for all money received by the organization, and for depositing all money received; and

      d. shall be a signing officer of the organization.

  18. The Trustee at Large shall
    1. a. act as a go between the trustees and body of the membership

  19. Trustees can delegate their responsibilities to any willing member.
  20. Part 9- Public Relations

  21. No member of the organization shall speak on behalf of the organization as a whole unless endorsed by due process of the membership as a whole.
  22. A public relations committee of at least two members, elected by the membership at large, and advised by the Vice President (Public Relations), shall be charged with the responsibility of speaking for the organization as a whole.
  23. Part 10 - Seal

  24. The trustees, at the direction of the membership, may provide a common seal for the organization and may destroy a seal and substitute a new seal in its place.
  25. The common seal shall be affixed only when authorized by a resolution of the organization membership, and then only in the presence of the president and any other trustee.
  26. Part 11 - Borrowing

  27. The borrowing powers of the organization may be exercised by special resolution of the members
  28. Part 12 - Auditor

  29. This section applies only where the organization is required, or has resolved, to have an auditor.
  30. The first auditor shall be appointed by the trustees who shall also fill all vacancies occurring in the office of auditor.
  31. At each annual general meeting the society shall appoint an auditor to hold office until he or she is re-elected or his or her successor is elected at the next Annual General Meeting.
  32. An auditor may be removed by ordinary resolution.
  33. An auditor shall be promptly informed in writing of appointment or removal.
  34. No trustee, member or employee of the organization shall be auditor.
  35. The auditor may attend all Annual General and Special General Meetings.
  36. Part 13 - Notices to Members

  37. Written notice shall be given to a member by way of mail to a personal or mailing address or personally, or by way of electronic transmission (e-mail or fax) if requested by that member in writing.
  38. A notice sent by mail shall be deemed to have been given two (2) weeks from the date on which the notice is posted, and in proving that notice has been given it is sufficient to prove the notice was properly addressed, stamped and put in a Canadian post office receptacle.
  39. Written notice of Special General and Annual General Meetings shall be given to a. every member shown on the register of voting members on the day notice is given; and b. the auditor, if Part13 applies. No other person is entitled to receive a written notice of the Annual General or Special General meetings.
  40. Part 14 - Bylaws 1.

  41. On becoming a member, each member is entitled to, and the organization shall give without charge, a copy of the constitution and bylaws of the organization.
  42. These bylaws shall not be altered or added to except by special resolution passed by an Annual or Special General Meeting.
  43. Part 15 - Standing Committees

  44. The standing committees of the organization shall include
    1. a. The Public Relations committee

      b. The Official Relations committee

      c. The Ritual Coordination committee

      d. The Accreditation committee

  45. The terms of reference of all standing committees shall be appended to the bylaws as schedules.
  46. Schedules to the Bylaws

    Schedule A: The Public Relations Committee

  47. The name of the committee is the Public Relations Committee.
  48. the purposes of the committee include:
    1. a. liaise with the non-Pagan community to provide accurate information and resources regarding modern day Paganism.

      b. provide media spokespeople to speak on behalf of the organization

  49. The committee shall meet as and when it sees fit, and must present a report to each Annual General meeting of the organization. As far as practical, all meetings should be open to the general membership.