APRIL 25, 1996

15 persons in attendance

The meeting commenced with a hammer blessing, salt and water purification, and the passing around of an incense.

  1. Adoption of Bylaws
    Copies of the Earth Religions Coalition East (ERCE) Constitution and Bylaws were distributed. The meeting was advised that there had been two small changes since the last meeting of words which had been misspelled.

    The Statement of Faith was read and it was explained that it outlines what all the groups have in common, not what the specific beliefs of groups are.

  2. All those who attended this meeting signed up and paid their membership fees for the year.

  3. Motion
    To adopt as is the first section of the ERCE Constitution (page 1 up to and not including section headed with Earth Religions Coalition East - Bylaws). Motion seconded. Passed unanimously.

  4. Motion
    To ratify entire bylaws with the exception of Part 2 #7 which would be done after the voting of executive officers. Motion seconded. Passed unanimously.

  5. Voting in of Executive Officers
    The following positions were filled: President, Vice President for Public Relations, Vice President for Official Relations, Vice President for Ritual Coordination, Secretary, Treasurer, and one Trustee at Large.

  6. There was a discussion of the various committees and sign up sheets were distributed so group members could sign up for the committee(s) of their choice.

  7. There was a discussion of possible meeting schedules. It was suggested that the executive meet every other month and that the committees meet during the months in between to enable executive members who were also on committees to do both without time conflicts.

  8. The first task of the Official Relations committee will be to take the approved bylaws and minutes of the Annual General Meeting to the Joint Stocks for Registration of ERCE.

  9. The first task of the Ritual Committee will be to schedule rituals and determine who will lead them. It was suggested that to start that ERCE only do the sabbats, and that it may not be necessary to conduct ERCE rites for all sabbats.

  10. Motion
    To accept Part 2, Section #7 amended as follows (new portion occurs between asterisks):

    All members shall be entitled to attend any and all General Meetings. New memberships will not be issued at any Annual General Meeting until after all regular and special business has been attended to. New members are not entitled to vote on major issues, such as election of trustees, until they have been members for one full year, *except for members joining within 4 weeks of the inaugural meeting, who will be considered founding members*.

    Seconded. Passed unanimously.

  11. There was discussion about distribution of the minutes. It was decided that complete official minutes will be distributed to all executive members. These minutes will include all names as an official record. There will be revised minutes which do not include individuals' names put on the ERCE home page.

  12. Next scheduled ERCE meeting is June 18, 1996.

  13. Motion
    To adjourn meeting. Passed.

This document published through ERCE web-page, June 26, 1996. For further information:

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