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N. Berdyaev Images
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N. Berdyaev at age 27 (1901) while he was in exile in Vologda.
Early years abroad (1923). An enlargement of a group photograph taken in Berlin.
Summer of 1930 in France.
N. Berdyaev in 1934, at age 60.
N. Berdyaev with Maria Skobtzeva, 1938.
N. Berdyaev at 74, taken about 2 months before his death.
Portrait of Lydia Judifovna Trusheff. They were married in 1904.
Photos courtesy of Yakov Krotov
N. Berdyaev at age 25 (1899)
1909 group photo. From left to right: L. Yu. Berdyaeva, N. A. Berdyaev, A. K. Gertsyk, E. K. Gertsyk, M. A. Voloshin, L. A. Zhukovskaya.
Sudyak. 1909. Collection of T. N. Zhukovskoy.
N. Berdyaev at age 38 (1912)
Sketch of Berdyaev in 1913
Photos courtesy of Klaus Bambauer
S. Bulgakov, Vl. Ern, N. Berdyaev. From the German journal: Stimme der Orthodoxie nr. 7/8, 1991, p. 43. (from the article by Wl. Iwanow, "Byzantinische Praemissen und russischen Folgerungen.")
N. Berdyaev in Geneva, 1947. From the book Istina i otkrowenie, St. Petersburg 1996.
N. Berdyaev. From the book: N. Berdjajew, Der Sinn der Geschichte, Tübingen 1950.
Sketch of N. Berdyaev. From the book: W. Dietrich, Russische Religionsdenker, Gütersloh 1994, p.80.
The Russian Scientific Institute in Berlin in 1923-24. From left to right starting with Semjon Frank (front, fourth from left), then Iasinskij, Berdyaev, Aichenwald, Prokopovich and Karsavin.
Detail from the above photo.
Fritz Lieb, close friend of N. Berdyaev. From the book Fritz Lieb, Sophia und Historie, Zürich, Switzerland 1962.
"The Three Holy Hierarchs", the church on rue Petel, Paris, to which N. Berdyaev belonged from 1924 to 1948. The priests of that parish conducted his funeral in 1948.
The monastery of Pontigny where N. Berdyaev took part in the famous "Decades of Pontigny", organized by Paul Desjardins. See also: Francois Chaubet, Paul Desjardins et les Decades de Pontigny, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, ISBN: 2-85939-606-3. 327pp.
From the book Colloque Berdiaev, Paris, 1975.
Andre Gide, Paul Desjardins, N. Berdyaev (from left to right).
Decades de Pontigny in 1927. (from left to right): Bernard Groethuysen, N. Berdyaev, Alexandre Koyre and D.S. Mirsky.
Decades de Pontigny in 1937. (from left to right): Mme Theo van Rysselberghe, Roger Martin du Gard, N. Berdyaev.
From the book Russlands Sehnsucht nach Spiritualität, by V.B. Fedjuschin. Schaffhausen, Germany, 1988.
N. Berdyaev, date unknown.
Sketch by Leonid Pasternak (1910). It shows Wjatscheslaw Iwanow, Lev Kobilinskij-Ellis, N. Berdyaev (standing) and Andrej Belyi.
Photos of unknown source or date
01 - Variation of 1934 photo (see above).
02 - 1934 group photo.
03 - group photo, unknown date.