Seen & Heard Among the Clans

[Provincial Tartan of New Scotland (Nova Scotia)] Tartan of New Scotland (Nova Scotia); Click to enlarge [jpeg:10K]

It Must be Spring?

There is a mildness in the air .... a softness in the soil .... and there is less of weariness .... in struggle and in toil .... the sun is somewhat warmer now .... the sky a brighter blue .... and something seems to tell the heart .... that life is fresh and new .... it must be time for Spring again .... and time to look around .... for greener grass and flowers fair .... to decorate the ground .... the snow and ice have disappeared .... where now the rivers flow .... and fertile fields are stirring in their eagerness to grow .... the soul is filled with faith and hope .... and joy in everything .... it must be time to live again .... It must be really Spring.

["The Pipe Major" Vol 15, No 2; Newsletter, Clan Cameron Assn of N.S.]

[Long Marble Blue Line]

A rose by any other name, ain't this rose!

Has anyone else noticed this alarming and ignorant trend towards the renaming our nation? For some strange reason, I have been finding many references to 'Scotch Gaelic'.

Please just get it right! It's "SCOTLAND" and "SCOTTISH GAELIC".

[In, soc.culture.scottish; 20 July 1995; Scotland or Scotchland!?]

[Long Marble Blue Line]

Minister's Name Outlawed?

If it were not for the difficult, dangerous times that followed the Battle of Culloden in Scotland, it would have been Rev. James Drummond who came to Pictou in July 1786.

If it weren't for the Battle of Culloden, perhaps the Highlanders would not have emigrated to Pictou County. But it did, they did, and he did.

Clan warfare and oppression being what it was after Culloden, the name Drummond was outlawed and the family took the name of McGregor.

So it was Rev. Dr. James McGregor who arrived at Pictou on July 22, 1786, to spend his life preaching the Gospel in Pictou County and beyond.

Grandson James Drummond McGregor (appointed Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia in 1910) bore both family names proudly.

["The MacKay Times of New Scotland," Spring/Summer 1995]

[Long Marble Blue Line]

Document in Progress

[New Scotland (Nova Scotia) -=- Where the Heart is Still Highland!]
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[Long Marble Blue Line]