Just sent this off to our local paper. Pauline Hanson appears to be promoting both racism and multiculturalism. Currently an independent MP, she has support among the ignorant.
Dear Sir,
In a speech in North Queensland this weekend, part of which was shown on ABC Television, Pauline Hanson showed her blatant ignorance yet again when she stated that Australia's background was Anglo-Celtic. I am surprised that a would be National Leader is unaware that this particular classification has no validity whatsoever and was in fact abolished by the Federal Government many years ago.Pressure from ethnic Celtic Groups resulted in this move being taken.
Whilst acknowledging that the English people are heirs to a great and glorious culture I must protest strongly on behalf of all Scots, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Manx, and other Australians of Celtic origin at this blatant resurrection of an insulting grouping. We had hoped that by 1997 it was part of history and that anyone with any savvy knew it had no validity whatsoever.
Mrs. Hanson's restricted knowledge apparently makes her unaware that Greeks, Italians, Germans, Russians, Ukrainians, and many other people of European origin have also made major contributions to Australia's development. People of Asian origin, particularly Chinese have played key roles in our Nation's growth for over a century. In more recent times peoples of diverse nationalities from all around the Globe have made significant contributions in Science, Business, the Arts, and as Ordinary Workers. Even the least among those people are of more value to Australia than a rabble rowsing ignoramus and her equally ignorant supporters.
In closing, please Mrs. Hanson, don't refer to us as 'Seltic', that's a Glasgow soccer team....WE ARE CELTS (Pronounced 'Kelts') and we are damn well proud of it!
Yours sincerely
Tom Mc Rae
Copyright (C) 1997; Tom McRae
Published with kind permission of Tom McRae, Brisbane, Australia