Bohanon Bohannon Bouchannane Buchanan Colman Cormack Cousland Dewar Donleavy Donlevy Dove Dow Dowe Gibb Gibbon Gibson Gilbert Gilbertson Harper Harperson Leavy Lennie Lenny MacAldonach MacAldonich MacAlman MacAndeoir MacAslan MacAslin MacAuselan MacAuslan MacAusland MacAuslane MacCalman MacCalmont MacCammon MacCammond MacCasland MacChruite MacColman MacCormack.html MacCubbin MacCubin MacCubing MacDonleavy MacGeorge MacGreusich MacGubbin MacInally MacIndeor MacIndoe MacKinlay MacKinley MacMaster MacMaurice MacMurchie MacMurchy MacNeur MacNuir MacNuyer MacQuattie MacWhirter Masters Masterson Morrice Morris Morrison Murchie Murchison Richardson Risk Rusk Ruskin Spittal Spittel Walter Walters Wason Waters Watson Watt Watters Weir Yool Yuill Yuille Yule Zuill Clan Lennie (Lenny) was in Perthshire in the 13th century, as a sept of Clan Buchanan.
MacGibbon MacGilbert