Flag of New Scotland (Nova Scotia)
The New Scotland Web site and linked clan pages-in-progress are wonderful. Please keep up the terrific work, and keep your larger priorities as they are. The more clansfolk who "buy in" and help put together the many clan / sept pages and their links, the greater the Scots cybernetwork will become!
If only, if only I could find an orphan, extra Pentium 2 with all its multimedia toys, it would be on its way to Janet MacKay. If only I were in New Scotland instead of the Garlic Capital of the World (Gilroy, CA, an auld Scots name, itself!) , I would volunteer to help. Good luck to you all.
Teri Howden Freedman (Clan MacKay through my great-grandmother, Janet POLSON Howden, Galashiels, Peebleshire, Scotland)
I really enjoy browsing through the web site. I thought it was very interesting. I am sure you have already heard from my father, Robert MacIntyre. So, I thought I would add my voice to those who wish to encourage you. Good job and please keep going.
Anyway, thanks again for the information! If you need any help starting a chapter of Scots information web pages in the U.S. let me know.
I have had a link to your web site for a few months now. It looks as if it will be a very informative and well travelled web address. I am personally interested in my own Nova Scotian family history which would include the names SMITH and McLEAN.
Thank you very much for your very quick reply to my inquiry about your web site. It nevers fails to amaze me how little I know just when I begin to feel that I know more than a little :-)
I truly understand what an accomplishment you have made to date on the site and I hope that you will be able to find the time and the people to help you continue the process.
Thank you for the information about the name Smith. I am still in a very very early stage of tracing my roots...I have a feeling I'd be better off tracing my wife's roots...her family name is MacLean and they hail from New Waterford, NS. Good luck with your work.
From one of Scottish ancestry, I thank you very much for the work you have done in putting this website together. As a high school history teacher it also is very meaningful. Needless to say this is something we hear little of in our culture today and we appreciate you keeping it alive.
First, allow me say thank you for writing me about your website. It was a pleasant and welcome surprise.
Second, I do understand the complexity of starting, adding, and maintaining any website, but one as enormous as yours must be very close to becoming, at times, maddening.
Third, you and your staff, co-workers, volunteers, contributors, all, are to to be commended on you website. Your work is excellent. My time was limited on my first visit. My second visit, I spent three hours totally comsumed with the information you have made available. Remarkable work. Simply remarkable.
You have a fascinating website. Well thought out and organized. Presentation exemplary. All of you deserve every accolade that could be bestowed upon you.
Thank You Very Much!
I would like to thank you for the opportunity to view the MacIvor Crest. The amount of pride that just seeing this artwork, and feeling identified by it is incredible. There is almost also a sense of belonging that goes along with it, just the knowledge that scattered around the world, there are so many of us that are united by a bond of history is so very special.
Good morning -- just a line to tell you how much I enjoy reading the info in your website. My family came to Canada 1802, Pictou Landing. The farm was known as The Glen, MacLellan's Mt., New Glasgow. We were fortunate that Lloyd C. MacPherson wrote the history of our family in Nova Scotia. My father was William MacPherson. Your website is very interesting to me. I intend to keep reading!
Enjoying your many works. Your devotion is obvious and is appreciated. A site we can all be proud of!
I have finally found the perfect link for clan information and with your permission will include this link to your site in my homepage on the index.html page. This is one of the better done pages in my opinion on the net at the moment and you've brought to light many items of interest for the geneaology buffs like myself. Many thanks for a wonderful site.
I finally know why bagpipe music sounds so beautiful to me. I had always been told that the Falconer name was British (YUCK!). I am much pleased to learn that there is a high probability that I am of Scottish descent. I will be concentrating my geneological research here now and anxiously await the completion of the Clan Keith and Clan Falcon sites.
Thanks for a great resource and a TERRIFIC SITE!! I doubt that I will find a more comprehensive collection of clan information anywhere.
I ran across this site today and I just wanted to thank you for it. My grandfather was from Glace Bay, New Scotland and his grandfather before him, the Isle of Barra. I have made two wonderful trips to NS and immediately fell in love with its charm, beauty and its people. I find my mind wonders back so many times. Just this visit to the website again brought back a flood of so many memories. After visiting your beautiful world, I can see why my family decided to emmigrant there.
Thank you again for providing me with another look back at my wonderful New Scotland. I really appreciate it.
You are doing a magnificent work with your website... Our Scottish heritage is something that we always need to remember and of which we must remember to teach our children.... As a descendant of several notables in Scottish/British history, I am mindful of my responsibility to my children, and I hope that work such as yours will help members of the younger generation educate their children to a sense of who they are as Scots and the descendants of Scots.
We appreciate what you folks are doing here and want very much to let you know that your work is very much appreciated! We'll be in touch from time to time to help cheer you all on!
What you're doing is very very important to a lot of us out here in the ozone layer, so please don't get discouraged!
Congratulations [on your awards]! That is great! Your pages are among the very best I've come cross in my Web surfing, and you deserve that recognition.
Douglas MacGowan maintains an impressive and informative website, which documents The Highland Clearances
By the way, I have been meaning to tell you how very impressed I am with your Clan pages on the Web. I have been spending a great deal of time browsing through them, and expect to spend much more. Thanks for such a beautiful job!
Gail Facini maintains the comprehensive websites featuring the Lunenburg County GenWeb Project and the The Canada GenWeb Project
An excellent cite. I appreciate the fact that you included Clan MacBeth. I have been recieving differing reports for years now, on the existance of the Clan. Since my interest in my history has been sparked again, this website has been of invaluable assistance.
Robert S. Dierks
Thanks for the information on clans. I know I'll be useing it for sometime to come.
Keep up the good work on your web pages, the best I've seen so far.
Mack King
Forgive me for not saying in my last note how much I appreciate your research and web site for Clan MacIvor! Your closeup photograph of the boar's head crest and tartan are exceptional.
THANK YOU for the great effort and contribution.
Dan McEver
Just dropped in and have to say you have a FANTASTIC website. I have been enjoying all I have read so far.
I am doing "Henderson" that came to Pictou County. As I have not been doing it for long, I use all the help I can find.
I see I'll be back here a lot. Keep up the good work
Shirley Hiltz
Thanks. I think this [website] is great! I've been looking for someting like this for quite a while.
Martin Walker
Thank you for the time spent making these [Henderson] pages. Very informative! Being one of the 'Hendersons', I had no concept or understanding of the history surrounding my grandmother's maiden name.
I do have record that my people came from Fordell, and in 1755 migrated to Armagh, Ireland.
Lovely to be able to have information before 1755.
Thanks again for all the work done.
Dawn Bennett
Thank you for providing this page!! After 48 years I have found that my great grandmother was a Rea from Scotland. The Rea's were from Clan Macrae.
I am very excited to have found the information that you have here!!
Interesting note...found that there is a castle, rebuilt after "those" English destroyed the original...(although my g-grandmother married an Englishman :-| ). I also found two of the four tartans. Thanks to you I am on a roll.
Keep up the good work. Again, thank you.
Mary McGinnis
Firstly, I would like to thank-you very much for the wealth of information you have provided me with on Clan Cunningham of which I am descended. I had been searching for information on them for some time, but could not find out anything.
What you are doing is truly fantastic. It takes great dedication in keeping something like this moving forward, of which is greatly appreciated. Do keep up the excellent work.
Your website again is very informative and it will be exciting to see what unfolds in future months. The net is that much better with people like you providing us with information of substance.
Ann McEntee
Thank you for all of your work in support of the Clan Ross. One's heritage is most precious. The information has helped me with the children in helping them define who they really are. God Bless,
Yes, of course you may [quote me]. I would be honored to have the opportunity to express my appreciation to others regarding your contribution to our progeny through knowledge of our heritage.
My statements were from the heart. The world in which we live has become less civil and benevolent. Your dedication to others comes with no expectations of material reward. If more of us were so committed, the world would be a much better place.
Again, I thank you on behalf of my family and it's proud heritage.
Just surfed in and like what I see. Very impressive. I will be back often. Good job.
I just checked out your Scottish webpage. It is VERY nice and very pleasing to the eye. Good job.
Every time I go to your website, I end up spending very enjoyable time there.
My family name is Fiveash and my father was from New Zealand. His family is from the Ogilvie Clan and we both played the pipes. We always wore the Ogilvie tartan proudly and played in the games in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Victoria B.C.
Thank you for a great [Clan Ogilvie] page and I will be visiting it again. I am looking forward to all the new things on your website.
This is what the internet is all about.
I have been looking for some information about my ancestors who were of the MacIntyres. Your web site has encouraged me, and interested me very much in visiting Scotland sometime.
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you for a wonderful page. Oh how glorious to see a page dedicated to the Geddes's. I am but one of the hard headed Geddes's from Scotland who have spent their life travelling around the world. I am trying to trace my ancestory and know that I have relatives in the Americas.
On November 16, we were proud to be appointed a member of Nova Scotia Online, a compendium of high quality websites featuring various aspects of the province of Nova Scotia, Canada.
I really like the work you've done so far! I read the whole thing. I am so much more the wiser! It is really well done.
Wow! I'm impressed!
I was browsing thru various sites the other day and found yours. It's obviously a-building but, when finished, it'll be a really fine addition to Scottish culture, not only in Nova Scotia, but for Scots anywhere who want to look into their clan roots.
The Highland Net
Your web site is top-notch! I'm very impressed with the time and talent you must have expended on it so far! Very professional.There was/is much to see on your web-site. I'll savour every moment! Your Clan MacBean pages make internet seem worthwhile!
Keep up the good work. Many thanks.
I, personally, greatly appreciate your pages. I am only 13 years old, but I wish to find out more about Clan Angus and the history of my homeland. Thank you again for your help, and I wish you luck developing your pages.
Nova Scotia sounds beautiful, thank you for describing it to me. I'll see if I can't talk my parents into taking me up there sometime soon! Thank you for your time.
Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed browsing your website. I have found it most educational.
I am trying to find info on the Kelso/Kelsey/Kelsay family (clan?). Both our sons (aged 15 and 19) are very interested in their family history (especially the Celtic lines).
Again, I am enjoying your quite extensive site immensely. Keep up the good work.
I found the information you have posted to date very, very interesting. You are obviously very dedicated to this project.
Excellent resource....keep up the good work. We will be visiting site this often! -- Sanders family
Good luck with your new website. You've done a wonderful job, and I'm looking foward to it being completed. Hopefully someone will share how the Reid sept of Clan Donnachaidh began, for the Clan Reid homepages. I am eager to know about its/our origins back in Scotland.
About 20 years ago, we took a vacation to Nova Scotia and had the best time. What we loved the best were the people (really). Many people went out of their way with acts of kindness to complete strangers (us), so much so that 20 years later, I still remember. I also remember our introduction to black flies (not as nice).
We always said we would go back, but haven't made it yet. Some day!
Thank you for the wealth of information on your site.
I was very pleased to find your page on the internet. Thank you for the variety of information. You have done a wonderful job.
I would like to tell you that you have a simply amazing looking site using very basic HTML. I believe that I will take you up on your offer to use your site as a reference for my class.
If you don't mind, I will give my students your www site and I would anticipate that some of them may email you with questions about your design.
[Jeff Burns is teaching an HTML class in Miramichi, New Brunswick.]
I love this site, it's helped a lot with tracing my early genealogy through the Scottish clans! Keep up the great work!
I finally made it out onto the Web and to your website. It is fantastic!
I look forward to seeing more from your pages in the future. I think it's one of the better sites out there!
I am impressed with your web site, and have found nothing similar in the United states which deals with heritage matters so well.
"This is a beautiful and informative web site.
"My father (and his mother) were both born in Nova Scotia so the place holds a special place in my heart. On our only visit, we stayed on Iona and toured Cape Breton National Park. Even tried, once, to get a job 'up there'. I am recommending your site to all and sundry. Again, it is a joy to behold."
I wanted to write and thank you for making the Douglas Clan web page available. I am adopted and my true birthname is Douglas. I've never been able to find any information on my father, but finding this page more than makes up for it. For the first time in my 38 years of life, I finally have some idea of who I am and where my roots lay.
Finding this site was a Godsend to me. It was more than I ever hoped to find. And I never dreamed I would find out that I am a possible descendant to such an honorable family. Until today I was never even sure if I was of Scottish descent.
I can tell you that all of my life I've always told friends, family, etc. that if there was only one place that I could visit outside the US it would be Scotland... but I could never tell them why, because I didn't know. So it must be something deep within my soul that knows where I came from and led me here so I could begin my journey.
I've got lots of hours of research ahead of me now and thanks to this web site, I've got a heck of a good start. Thanks again!
Barbara (Douglas) Niehoff
"Hello Highlander,
"Thanx again for the Scottish material you have put up on the net. It proves that we ARE a proud people, widely scattered by the winds of time, fate, and fortune."
"You have a lovely site there and I'm sure I'll be weaving it into my index shortly. The site is a work of art and the list of clans and septs is very comprehensive."
"From the warmth of the gentle tartan home page to its massive list of over 400 Scottish Clans and Septs this site from Nova Scotia is full of traditional Highland Hospitality. You have to be a clan society operating in Nova Scotia to be featured (or have Nova Scotia connections) but that provides plenty of scope for people who are more Scottish than the Scots themselves. There is a mixture of bite size pages about New and Old Scotland - including the reliable information that Gaelic was the official language in the original Garden of Eden (the serpent, of course, was speaking English)."
See Rampant Scotland
"Your site looks great. Crisp and uncluttered!
"Having looked around the site a bit I'm astounded at how exhaustive it is. Congratulations, reluctantly, from an Irishman (person?). While we are Celtic cousins, well back "home" there's always been a bit of family, how shall I put it......rivalry??"
See Webscribe sites: WebScribe and News of the wURLD.
"On a more light hearted note...
"Did you know we've just declared war on Nova Scotia?
"There is this web page that's just getting too much publicity for our liking.... We're aiming our cabers at you as I speak... I mean imagine getting ahead of Electric Scotland... this is how wars start you know!!! :-) "
See Electric Scotland in Grangemouth, Scotland
"I found it to be a phenomenal piece of work. Whilst utilizing various search engines to find information on the MacIvor clan I discovered this superb site, AND an involved cousin I didn't know I had!"
"I visited the site, and was very impressed. A lot of work and talent went into those pages."
See The Anglican Church in Nova Scotia, a website created and maintained on CCN by Jack Tattrie.
In April, 1996, we were notified by Bell Canada that our website was a link of choice for the Nova Scotia pages of the "Around Town" section of the official website for Sympatico. We appreciate this honour, and their confidence in our site.
On May 2nd, Sympatico was picked as Site of the Day by PC Magazine Online, one of the most prestigious U.S. Internet reviewers. In their evaluation of Sympatico, they praised the site for being as vibrant as a circus, but as well ordered as a row of tamed lions.
Confirmation that we are approaching our goals came from Scott Murray in Wisconsin, a descendant of the Murrays of Canso, Nova Scotia.
"It is the best site I've visited," he told his cousin, Glen Matheson in Glenholme (Nova Scotia). "I've been to others and they were fine, but the Scottish website Clan MacKay maintains has THE best local coverage I've seen yet."
An article announcing our website for Scottish Culture and Heritage in New Scotland (Nova Scotia) was published in the Maritime Computer Connections, April 1996.