Septs of the Scottish Clans

[Nova Scotia Provincial Tartan] Nova Scotia Provincial Tartan

[Long Marble Green Line]
   [*] Note: Clans falling under the designations of "Border Clans" whose
             identity is more of a family than a clan in the true Highland
             meaning of clan, are marked with [*].  See notes at end of list.
[Long Marble Green Line]

Septs of Clan Anderson
[*]Septs of Clan Armstrong
Septs of Clan Baird
Septs of Clan Barclay
Septs of Clan Brodie
Septs of Clan Bruce
Septs of Clan Buchanan
Septs of Clan Campbell
Septs of Clan Campbell of Argyll
Septs of Clan Campbell of Cawdor
Septs of Clan Campbell of Craignish
Septs of Clan Campbell of Inverawe
Septs of Clan Campbell of Loudoun
Septs of Clan Campbell of Melfort
Septs of Clan Campbell of Strachur (MacArthur)
Septs of Clan Chattan
Septs of Clan Chattan: MacIntosh Group
Septs of Clan Chattan: MacPherson Group
Septs of Clan Chisholm
Septs of Clan Colquhoun
Septs of Clan Cunningham
Septs of Clan Davidson
Septs of Clan Donnachaidh
Septs of Clan Douglas
Septs of Clan Drummond
Septs of Clan Duff
Septs of Clan Duncan
[*]Septs of Clan Elliot
Septs of Clan Erskine
Septs of Clan Farquharson
Septs of Clan Ferguson
Septs of Clan Fletcher
Septs of Clan Forbes
Septs of Clan Fraser
Septs of Clan Gordon
Septs of Clan Gow
Septs of Clan Graham
Septs of Clan Graham of Monteith
Septs of Clan Graham of Montrose
Septs of Clan Grant
Septs of Clan Grant of Glenmoriston
Septs of Clan Gunn
Septs of Clan Hay
[*]Septs of Clan Home
[*]Septs of Clan Hume
Septs of Clan Innis
[*]Septs of Clan Johnston(e)
Septs of Clan Keith
Septs of Clan Kennedy
Septs of Clan Kerr
Septs of Clan Leslie
Septs of Clan Lindsay
Septs of Clan Livingstone
Septs of Clan MacAlister
Septs of Clan MacAndrew
Septs of Clan MacArthur
Septs of Clan MacAulay
Septs of Clan MacBean
Septs of Clan MacBeth
Septs of Clan MacCallum
Septs of Clan MacColl
Septs of Clan Donald
Septs of Clan Donald of Antrim
Septs of Clan Donald of Ardnamurchan
Septs of Clan Donald of Clan Ranald
Septs of Clan Donald of Glencoe
Septs of Clan Donald of the Isles
Septs of Clan Donald of Kintyre
Septs of Clan MacDonell of Glengarry
Septs of Clan MacDonell of Keppoch
Septs of Clan MacDougall
Septs of Clan MacDuff
Septs of Clan MacEwen
Septs of Clan MacFarlane
Septs of Clan MacFie
Septs of Clan MacGillivray
Septs of Clan MacGowan
Septs of Clan MacGregor
Septs of Clan MacInnes
Septs of Clan MacIntosh
Septs of Clan MacIntyre
Septs of Clan MacIver
Septs of Clan MacKay
Septs of Clan MacKenzie
Septs of Clan MacKinnon
Septs of Clan MacKintosh
Septs of Clan MacLachlan
Septs of Clan MacLaine
Septs of Clan MacLaren
Septs of Clan MacLean
Septs of Clan MacLennan
Septs of Clan MacLeod
Septs of Clan MacMillan
Septs of Clan MacNab
Septs of Clan MacNaughton
Septs of Clan MacNiel(l)
Septs of Clan MacNicol
Septs of Clan MacPherson
Septs of Clan MacQuarrie
Septs of Clan MacQueen
Septs of Clan MacRae
Septs of Clan MacThomas
Septs of Clan Malcolm
Septs of Clan Matheson
Septs of Clan Melville
Septs of Clan Menzies
Septs of Clan Morrison
Septs of Clan Munro
Septs of Clan Murray
Septs of Clan Murray of Atholl
Septs of Clan Napier
Septs of Clan Nicholson
Septs of Clan Ogilvie
Septs of Clan Oliphant
Septs of Clan Ramsay
Septs of Clan Robertson
Septs of Clan Rose
Septs of Clan Ross
[*]Septs of Clan Scott
Septs of Clan Shaw
Septs of Clan Sinclair
Septs of Clan Skene
Septs of Clan Stewart
Septs of Clan Stewart of Appin
Septs of Clan Stewart of Atholl
Septs of Clan Stewart of Bute
Septs of Clan Stewart of Galloway
Septs of Clan Stewart of Garth
Septs of Clan Stuart
Septs of Clan Stuart of Bute
Septs of Clan Sutherland
Septs of Clan Urquhart
Septs of Clan Wallace