CCN is now using Lynx 2.7.1 as its Web browser. This release fixes many
bugs and introduces some new features not found in the old version, 2.4FM.
There are a few important additions and changes to the keymap.
- ^K
- Control + K now shows the Lynx Cookie Jar.
It no longer deletes the current line in a form; use Control + U instead.
- ^U
- Control + U deletes the current line in a form entry screen.
- V
- A lowercase v will still take you to your bookmarks, but uppercase V
will now show you the Visited Links page. This is a list of all the links
you've followed this session and is similar to the historY page.
- (, ), [, ]
- The ( and ) keys will move you up/down half a screen. [ and ] will
scroll two lines at a time.
- _
- If you've logged into a password-protected site on the Web, and you
want to log into it as another user, press the underscore key (_) to clear
your name and password.
There are other new keys you can try if you're bored/adventurous.
To see a complete list of command keys from Lynx, press k.
Lynx now supports frames, which allow a webmaster to show two separate
webpages on the screen at the same time (for example, a Table of Contents
on the left and the actual text on the right). When you encounter a page
with frames you'll see something like this at the top: