Department of  Health

The Nova Scotia Health Survey

Health Survey: Table of Contents


The Nova Scotia Health Survey 1995 was a significant collaborative undertaking by researchers and government to provide a comprehensive picture of the health of Nova Scotians. The results of this survey provide a basis for future health planning in our province. The information is intended to inform policy and program development, to stimulate dialogue among people working in the field, to provide an agenda for further research, and to equip Nova Scotians with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health.

We would like to emphasize that this Highlights report is not an exhaustive or conclusive examination of the information collected through the Nova Scotia Health Survey 1995. It is a preliminary report intended to give the public and health professionals a sense of the depth of information that is now available. These results and the knowledge we will gain with further data analysis will greatly aid our understanding of health and health needs in Nova Scotia, especially for the challenges we face in the promotion and protection of health.

We extend a sincere thanks to our colleagues on the Steering Committee, the public health nurses, Department of Health staff and Dalhousie University staff who worked so diligently to bring this information forward. In particular we thank the people of Nova Scotia who participated in the survey. Their cooperation and support have provided access to a wealth of information that will guide us greatly as we collectively plan for the future health of Nova Scotians.

David MacLean, MD, MHSc, CCFP
Co-Principal Investigator
Nova Scotia Health Survey 1995 &
Principal Investigator
Heart Health Nova Scotia
and Epidemiology
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Jeffrey Scott, MB, ChB, MHSc, FRCPC
Co-Principal Investigator
Nova Scotia Health Survey 1995 &
Chief Medical Officer of Health
Department of Health
Head, Department of Community Health
Nova Scotia