From: Chris Milley - Executive Director ( Subject: Your article on the Mi'Kma'ki Aboriginal Fisheries Service This note is to inform you that your information on the Mi'Kma'Ki Aboriginal Fisheries Service is sorely outdated. In the past two years the MAFS has become the Eskasoni Fish and Wildlife Commission and is only responsible for fisheries/wildlife matters for Eskasoni. Similar community organizations are being set up in all of the 13 Bands in Nova Scotia. This work is being undertaken under the direction and coordination of the Mi'Kmaq Fish and Wildlife Commission which was established by the Assembly of Nova Scotia Chiefs to manage natural resource activities on behalf of the Mi'Kmaq and their institutions in Nova Scotia. In this regard, natural resources are defined to include coastal, marine and freshwater fisheries; hunting, trapping and other wildlife related activities; and all activities related to the collection or harvesting of terrestrial resources including forests, and mineral resources. A priority area for the Commission is to enhance natural resource management planning and implementation for the Bands within the province. In particular the Commission is working to increase the role of the Mi'Kmaq people in Nova Scotia in management of the region's fishery and wildlife resources. This is necessary to improve management of the food fishery for the benefit of communities today and for Mi'Kmaq in generations to come. It is also important to improve capabilities to effectively participate in the commercial resource industries to create employment and income necessary for community development. The Commission works under the direction of a Board consisting of the Grand Chief, the Vice Chief of the Assembly of First Nations and all 13 Band Chiefs. Its offices are located in Paqtnkek (Afton). We are presently developing and negotiating a new fisheries management agreement with the Government of Canada that will recognize and reflect our rights and commitment to management of our fishery resources. This Agreement will be based on the Mi'Kmaq Resource Harvesting Accord which was signed by all Band Chiefs in January 1997. The Accord is a document that states Mi'Kmaq commitment to fishery management and defines the Mi'Kmaq fishery management structure and processes. We would appreciate it if you would update your references to the MAFS, which no longer exists in the form and structure you describe in your article.