[NatureNS] RE: Common sense and caution

Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2020 22:29:48 +0000 (UTC)
From: Margaret Fraser <m_fraser65@yahoo.ca>
To: "naturens@chebucto.ns.ca" <naturens@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Unfortunately,we have been told not to speak publically about any of this,a=
nd I have been threatened personally with the privacy commissioner, so no,n=
o Facebook. I am simply trying to convince people on here that our individu=
al actions have consequences,and if we do not want to be New York, or Italy=
,or Spain,then we need to follow the rules. Thank you. Cheers,Margaret

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android=20
  On Sun, 26 Apr 2020 at 19:17, mmillard<mmillard@eastlink.ca> wrote:   I w=
ould very much like to thank you for this description of what is happening.=
 I would like to share this on Facebook. What do you think?=20

-------- Original message --------
From: Margaret Fraser <m_fraser65@yahoo.ca>=20
Date: 26/04/2020 6:27 p.m. (GMT-04:00)=20
To: naturens@chebucto.ns.ca=20
Subject: Re: [NatureNS] RE: Common sense and caution=20

Hi all. I am going to add my 2 cents to this debate.I am a physician,workin=
g in the 2nd busiest emergency department in the province,after the Halifax=
 Infirmary. I also work as a family physician with a reasonably busy office=
 practice.I have,in the past 6 weeks,watched as 2 of my nurses were infecte=
d with this virus from relatively minor exposures,and 15 others sent home t=
o self-isolate. One of the nurses was in a high risk group. Several had chi=
ldren. All of them worried they had brought this home to their families. On=
e of them did.I worked 2 weeks in my office seeing patients in virtual visi=
ts before it was announced that we would be paid,that is to say,I worked 2 =
weeks knowing I might never get paid for the work I had done. I was prepare=
d to continue this indefinitely, for the safety of my patients and of my of=
fice staff.=C2=A0Every shift I work in emergency I must wear a mask the ent=
ire 8-10 hour shift, except if I take a break to eat or drink. I can only t=
ake a break if there are not already 2 unionized staff taking their mandate=
d breaks in our break room,as I am not permitted to removed the mask in a c=
linical care area. You can probably guess how many breaks I get this way. I=
 also must take my temperature,and record it along with any symptoms I migh=
t have like a runny nose,cough,fever etc, at the beginning and the end of m=
y shift. I also have to change into hospital issue scrubs,and at the end of=
 my shift wipe my phone,shoes and ID down with bleach, before showering. Wh=
en I go home my clothing goes straight into the washer. I have special scru=
bs to wear to and from work. I no longer bother to pack a lunch or snacks.A=
lthough our department is seeing fewer visitors,we are still having signifi=
cant wait times. Why? Because each room has to be thoroughly cleaned after =
each patient,as we have to assume any of our patients may have the virus an=
d just not have symptoms,so where we used to have one cleaner,we now have 5=
 working their arses off. The OR's are working in similar conditions. Any p=
erson coming in to the hospital is assumed to be covid positive until prove=
n otherwise. Cancer surgeries are still going on in our hospital,but nothin=
g that can be put off such as hips and knees. Why not? Not because we might=
 need the beds,although we might,but because hospital acquired infection is=
 a real threat. Go in for a knee surgery,come out with a covid-19 infection=
. The very hospitals that house hip and knee surgeries are also the hospita=
ls with covid units. Keep in mind as well that the test for this virus,like=
 every other diagnostic test,has a failure rate,so although the test is neg=
ative,you might still have the virus. Also keep in mind that most hip and k=
nee surgeries are carried out on elderly patients,the very people meet at r=
isk of dying with infection.I haven't seen my 81 year old father in 2 month=
s. He's stuck in Toronto because neither my sister nor myself can quarantin=
e for 2 weeks and we are not keen to have him enter a flying cesspool at th=
e moment.I haven't gone anywhere but work and the occasional grocery shopin=
g trip in 2 months.=C2=A0Our hospital system was overstretched before we go=
t into a pandemic. Do you think it is doing any better now?=C2=A0Our emerge=
ncy departments were on their knees begging for help before the pandemic. D=
o you think we have it now?=C2=A0Please,stay home. It is working,we are fla=
ttening the curve. That is the reason=C2=A0 we only have 3 cases in the pro=
vinces ICU's. No one is enjoying this,and no one is profiting from this. Pe=
ople who think they know better should maybe,just maybe,trust that public h=
ealth knows what they are doing. This is not indefinite. We will be free so=
oner if we all follow the rules.Stay the blazes home. Please.Dr. Margaret F=
raserPresident, Cape Breton Medical Staff Association

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Unfortunately,we have been told not to speak publically about any of this,a=
nd I have been threatened personally with the privacy commissioner, so no,n=
o Facebook. I am simply trying to convince people on here that our individu=
al actions have consequences,and if we do not want to be New York, or Italy=
,or Spain,then we need to follow the rules. Thank you. Cheers,<div id=3D"yM=
ail_cursorElementTracker_1587940151055">Margaret<br id=3D"yMail_cursorEleme=
ntTracker_1587940047112"><br><div id=3D"ymail_android_signature"><a id=3D"y=
mail_android_signature_link" href=3D"https://go.onelink.me/107872968?pid=3D=
=3DEmailSignature">Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android</a></div> <br> <blockquo=
te style=3D"margin: 0 0 20px 0;"> <div style=3D"font-family:Roboto, sans-se=
rif; color:#6D00F6;"> <div>On Sun, 26 Apr 2020 at 19:17, mmillard</div><div=
>&lt;mmillard@eastlink.ca&gt; wrote:</div> </div> <div style=3D"padding: 10=
px 0 0 20px; margin: 10px 0 0 0; border-left: 1px solid #6D00F6;"> <div id=
=3D"yiv0532747618"><div>I would very much like to thank you for this descri=
ption of what is happening. I would like to share this on Facebook. What do=
 you think?
<br><br>-------- Original message --------<br>From: Margaret Fraser &lt;m_f=
raser65@yahoo.ca&gt; <br>Date: 26/04/2020  6:27 p.m.  (GMT-04:00) <br>To: n=
aturens@chebucto.ns.ca <br>Subject: Re: [NatureNS] RE: Common sense and cau=
tion <br><br>Hi all. I am going to add my 2 cents to this debate.<div id=3D=
"yiv0532747618yMail_cursorElementTracker_1587934920348">I am a physician,wo=
rking in the 2nd busiest emergency department in the province,after the Hal=